Evidence For Development (E4D) Nepal
Evidence for Development Aim is to: Increase capacity of GoN to generate and use evidence to target policies and resources to poor people in Nepal, through: stronger national statistics system, strengthened GoN capacity and greater domestic accountability
Evidence for Development Components: AMIS - Ministry of Finance / UNDP Open Data – The Asia Foundation and Development Initiatives Capacity building of policy and decision makers - ? CBS – World Bank Trust Fund
WB Trust Fund and Central Bureau of Statistics Key Areas of Work Technical Assistance and Capacity Building Measurement and Monitoring of Poverty Improving National Accounts Statistics Strengthening Spatial Statistics Strengthening Gender Statistics Strengthening Financial Management Source Data Production Nepal Living Standard Survey IV Time Use Survey Demand for Data and Statistics Equipment and Hardware
GoN undergoing a lot of change E4D and RPES GoN undergoing a lot of change Unitary to Federal State Three equal parts of Government: Federal, Provincial, Local Line Ministry restructuring including CBS: Still unclear E4D very technically focused & designed pre change RPES support could provide advice at strategic level Management of donors and workload Structure of CBS under new governance structures Legislative environment