What does it stand for? Our program focuses on: Growth Engagement Achievement Readiness through Unity and Perseverance
GROWTH - Help students work toward social/emotional growth and maturity through School Connect Curriculum ENGAGEMENT – Help students increase school engagement and participation in extracurricular activities. Provide opportunities to learn good sportsmanship, responsible conduct, and collaboration. ACHIEVEMENT – Support student academic improvement and monitor progress.
READINESS – Support students in their preparation for college and career. UNITY – Provide a nurturing environment that increases social interactions and promotes cultural tolerance. Teamwork and collaboration are key!! PERSEVERANCE – Help students develop a strong work ethic and a “never give up” attitude.
MISSION STATEMENT GEAR UP has been formed as a fellowship of students dedicated to supporting and encouraging each other towards the goal of graduating high school and pursuing positive educational, vocational, and personal goals for their future.
GOAL Our primary goal is to reach out to students who may not have a connection to a regular student support program, (such as sports or other extracurricular activities) and offer them the necessary support to succeed personally and academically.
BELIEFS We BELIEVE that GEAR UP is a family WE BELIEVE all students regardless of their background can succeed. WE BELIEVE that school should be a place where all students can learn and be equipped to achieve their goals in life. THEREFORE GEAR UP is dedicated to providing support for students who are willing to be held accountable to their commitment to success.
CLASS DESCRIPTION AND OBJECTIVES GEAR UP is an academic support program designed to assist students to work toward successful completion of high school and to help them pursue a post-secondary education. Resources will be provided that promote success in academics as well as social/emotional support.
CLASS DESCRIPTION AND OBJECTIVES GEAR UP is based on the premise that certain students can benefit from a specialized method that will encourage and challenge them to respond to meet the needs that exist in their lives. Each student MUST make a commitment to the program and be open to the help and support.
THREE B’S Belong- All students in GEAR UP need to know this is a place where they can be themselves, express themselves, understand, appreciate, and accept others perspectives. Believe- Time is spent breaking old habits and creating new positive ones by setting goals. As short-term goals are achieved the students begin believing in themselves and start to understand their capacity and worth. Become- The end result of the many short-term goals previously achieved. This includes but is not limited to graduation, job placement, college acceptance, social/ emotional stability, improved relationships, an example to new GEAR UP students
RECRUITING SYSTEM Recruiting process Work with counselors to identify students in need of support (review transcripts) Interview process Commitment is key!! Maintain relationship with counselors
GRADING SYSTEM Attendance Behavior Participation Progress Reports
WEEKLY SCHEDULE Monday Tuesday Weekend update and completion of a weekly progress reports. Tuesday Topic discussions covering various issues that are important to personal growth and academic improvement. Full student participation is expected and required on these days. No exceptions!
WEEKLY SCHEDULE Wednesday & Thursday Friday Study hall where all students are expected to work and support each other. Tutoring and monitoring by teacher. Friday Interpersonal development which includes a variety of activities to promote collaboration and leadership. Friday can also be set aside as work day if necessary (once in a while).
PROGRESSIVE INTERVENTIONS When a student violates a major class expectation like disruption of the learning process, harassing another student, or defiance, the interventions may be as follows, according to the nature of the violation: One on one meeting with the student Loss of rewards of privileges provided in class Parent/teacher conference Unable to participate in activities or special events Assigned to a new seat at a different table
ALTERNATIVE PLACEMENT If it is determined that a student is not willing to work on their commitment to success, it may be necessary for the student to be dropped from GEAR UP. The types of behaviors evaluated to warrant this action include one or more of the following: Excessive tardiness to class or chronic truancy Continual classroom misconduct, defiance or use of profanity Consistently unwilling to initiate or complete homework assignments Ongoing failure in other classes or an “F” in GEAR UP Any violation of Education Codes 48900 or 48915
TREE OF VICTORY Celebration of Accomplishments Promotes student success Helps students connect and bond Creates a trusting and caring classroom environment Allows students the opportunity to develop their public speaking skills Everyone participates!!
LEADERSHIP COMPONENT Developing Leaders Students who are repeating the program Servant leadership model Recruiting the right students Help and support teachers and students Develop their leadership skills beyond the classroom
2016/2017 2ND SEMESTER GEAR UP SUMMARY PROGRAM DATA 2016/2017 2ND SEMESTER GEAR UP SUMMARY Average GPA Before GEAR UP (Sem. 2) 1.57 Average GPA After GEAR UP (Sem. 2) 2.26 Students Entering with GPA 2.0 or higher 29% Students Currently with GPA 2.0 or higher 69% Students Entering with GPA 3.0 or higher 1% Students Currently with GPA 3.0 or higher 20% Students that improved since entering GEAR UP program 82%