Title of your presentation Your name & school name
Problem or Question Insert here the problem or question you investigated.
Background Information Insert here the information that was available about the problem or question that helped you form a testable hypothesis.
Hypothesis Insert here your hypothesis. This is what you thought would happen when you tested the problem or question and why.
Experiment Design Insert in the box to the right, a picture of your experiment and then delete this text box. Insert here the information about how you designed your experiment. Explain how you tested your hypothesis. What variable did you test?
Steps of my experiment Insert here the steps you used to accomplish your experiment. You could use bullet points, but it’s not required.
Data Insert here an easy-to-read graph that is clearly labeled with your data information.
Insert here an explanation of what happened. Conclusions (You may need to insert extra slides after this one to include all your information). Insert here an explanation of what happened. Explain why you think that happened. What changes would you make to change the results of your experiment? If you were to pursue additional research, identify the next problem/question you would address.
Add a final picture relating to your experiment in the box to the right, then delete this text box. Questions This concludes my presentation. Do you have any questions?