Vision for a Guide Dog School in Macedonia Lions Clubs International Vision for a Guide Dog School in Macedonia Biljana Choneska Jovanova GST Coordinator 2018/2019 LCI D132 Macedonia Blind dog leader school Macedonia
Lions Clubs International Vision 2023 for a Guide Dog School in Macedonia Open a «Guide Dog School» for the training of blind dog leaders First trained dog 2022 or earlier Sustainable further longterm development Blind dog leader school Macedonia
Lions Clubs International Time table of a life of a blind dog leader! 1. Year 2. Year 3. Year At Family, Basics Pregnancy At School At School, Training Test 10 years as partner Retired Dog Life approx 14 – 16 years Blind dog leader school Macedonia
(All parties are very important!) Blind dog leader school Macedonia Lions Clubs International (All parties are very important!) Organisation 46 Lions Clubs of Macedonia (Lions-Members) Sponsors of Macedonia Volunteer Families International Sponsors School Foundation GST-Coordinator Biljana LIONS Project Manager ??? Supporter Jürg Vogt District Governor Sonja National Association for Blind People of Macedonia LCIF Blind dog leader school Macedonia
Organisation of a School Blind dog leader school Macedonia Lions Clubs International Organisation of a School Director (Head, Coordinator) Breeding Puppy raising Volunteer families Training of dogs Training of teamwork of dog an blind person Suppervision of dog and blind person I Blind dog leader school Macedonia
Proposal of Project Process! Blind dog leader school Macedonia Lions Clubs International Proposal of Project Process! 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 Go/Go or NoGo by D 132 Business plan Promise of grants Evaluate location buy 2 dogs, train them buy 2 x 2 puppies buy 1 breed dog Blind dog leader school Macedonia
Lions Clubs International International Guide Dog Federation (IGDF) Comprises members from the guide dog organisation around the world Monitoring of the standards Don’t train dogs and trainers Support for creation of dog organisations IGDF has a Development Committee Blind dog leader school Macedonia
Lions Clubs International Key elements to operate a guide dog service (according to IGDF) 1. Governance and management 2. Administration support services, record keeping systems and resources 3. Fundraising and public relations - media and communications 4. Staff development and training 5. Source of dogs – breeding programme 6. Puppy raising programme 7. Kennel services and / or boarding facilities 8. Guide dog assessment and training 9. Client services - applicants, students and graduates 10. Veterinary care 11. Adoption / career change services Blind dog leader school Macedonia
Blind dog leader school Macedonia Lions Clubs International Blind dog leader school Macedonia
Blind dog leader school Macedonia Lions Clubs International To do list Contact to Jürg Sept 18 Support of district 132 (go/nogo) DG Sonja asap Find a project manager L Biljana asap Nominate a project team ? 2018 Specify task in accordanse IGDF ? asap Elaborate a businessplan/budget ? 2018/19 Look for sponsors in Macedonia DG 2018/19 Look for sponsors in Europe Jürg 2018/19 Contact to insurance companay ? 2018/2019 Contact to Government ? 2018/2019 Look for a location/building ? 2019 Start with training of dogs School 2019 June Start with training of puppies School 2019 June Blind dog leader school Macedonia
Lions Clubs International Conclusions - We SERVE! We are in accordance with the goals of the International Lions Clubs Organisations! Lets start + lets do this great job ! You will be proud of this project! We help blind/visually impared people to facilite their daily life! Blind dog leader school Macedonia