- 10 ° C cold
5 ° C cool
28 ° C warm
38 ° C hot
What's the forecast for tomorrow? ` What's the forecast for tomorrow?
It’s going to be hot.
It’s going to be sunny.
It’s going to be cloudy.
It’s going to be rainy.
It’s going to be snowy.
It’s going to be stormy.
It’s going to be very dry.
It’s going to be partly cloudy.
It’s going to be cold.
It’s going to be wet.
It’s going to be foggy.
It’s going to be warm.
There’s going to be a flood.
There’s going to be a tornado.
There’s going to be a hail storm.
It’s going to snow.
It’s going to rain.
What’s the temperature? It’s thirty-eight degrees Celsius. OR It’s one hundred degrees Fahrenheit.
How do we talk about weather forecast? It’s going to be + adj. It’s going to + v. There’s going to be a + n.
1. Please give the forecast for this four cities. Guangzhou Tokyo Amsterdam Sydney Temperature 18˚C – 25 ˚C 2˚C – 8˚C 7˚C – 12 ˚C 14˚C – 19 ˚C Rainfall in 24 hours 50 cm nil 30 cm 15 cm Humidity 85% 20% 35% 60% Snowfall in 24 hours 5 cm 2. Please compare the weather conditions among these cities.