WANTED: Spiritually Growing Men To Work For The Lord.
BIBLE CLASSES Men's Training Class: I. WHAT TO TEACH A. Book Studies B. Topical (Church Discipline; Moral Issues; Prayer; Church History; etc). C. Bible Drills. II. CONSIDERATIONS A. Time starts 9 am. With 3 songs & prayer (5-10 min), then pass out papers (5 min), Bible Drill (avg 5+ min), then ends at 9:50 am. Easily results in less than 30 min.
III. PREPARING BOOK STUDIES BIBLE CLASSES Men's Training Class: II. CONSIDERATIONS B. What Do To Make Most Of The Time? Keep Pace. “Steer” the discussion back when it wanders. Have someone else pass out papers. Etc. III. PREPARING BOOK STUDIES A. Decide on what book (See Curric.). B. Find a good Study Bible (with info on background, author, outline, etc.). C. Collect Outlines from others. D. Read the Book, outlines & Study Bible outline.
IV. DEVELOPING THE BOOK INTRO BIBLE CLASSES Men's Training Class: IV. DEVELOPING THE BOOK INTRO Introduction - the big picture. I. Author: Author’s name A. Meaning of name. B. Relatives. C. Home town &/or area of work. D. Summary of time of life / work. II. Time/Background: Date of work. A. List events with scriptures / parallel accounts, etc. B. Is the book chronological or not?
IV. DEVELOPING THE BOOK INTRO BIBLE CLASSES Men's Training Class: IV. DEVELOPING THE BOOK INTRO III. Purpose / Features: A. Theme: (One verse, memory verse). B. Emphasize points /Key Points. C. Unique aspects. IV. The Christ In This Book: Prophecies & foreshadowing of Christ. V. The Outline: (Summary form) I. Main point (1:1 – 19). II. Main point (2:1-3:25). III. Main point (4:1-45). Etc.
V. DEVELOPING BOOK QUESTIONS BIBLE CLASSES Men's Training Class: V. DEVELOPING BOOK QUESTIONS BOOK & CHAPTER (Heading) I. More Detailed Outline (1:1 – 2:25). A. Foreword (1:1-5). B. Thanksgiving for… (1:6-20). C. Admonition to… (1:21-2:15). D. Concerns about… (2:16-25). NOTE 1: Important historical details, word definitions or explanations of time line, etc. QUESTIONS FOR BOOK 1:1-5: 1. …
V. DEVELOPING BOOK QUESTIONS BIBLE CLASSES Men's Training Class: V. DEVELOPING BOOK QUESTIONS QUESTIONS FOR BOOK 1:1-5: 1. Ask easy and hard questions. 2. Who, What, When, Where, Why, How? 3. What NT/OT verse teaches this principle. 4. Define _____ , Fill in the blank, Multiple choice, matching, etc. 5. Compare a passage to what a false doctrine says (i.e. “How does this verse help us refute ____ .”). 6. Do YOUR OWN Questions first, THEN compare yours to others questions.
V. DEVELOPING BOOK QUESTIONS BIBLE CLASSES Men's Training Class: V. DEVELOPING BOOK QUESTIONS Add maps & Notes as needed in between questions. VI. TOPICAL STUDIES A. Prep is much like preparing a sermon 1. Gather articles, sermon notes, use Cruden’s Concordance to get list of passages on topic, etc. 2. Select main points, false views that need refuting, etc.
VII. OTHER IMPORTANT DETAILS BIBLE CLASSES Men's Training Class: VI. TOPICAL STUDIES B. Make Outline. C. Questions: Review your outline and make a list of questions… VII. OTHER IMPORTANT DETAILS A. Pray to God about it (Phil. 4:6). B. Before teaching, Answer your own questions – make additional notes, etc. Be doubly prepared. Any Questions?