Reflect on Progress, Share Plans: Partner for SEL Welcome to the session! (Movement break?)
Remember September? Your ideas! Use SEL meetings, agendas as a way to keep connected (invitations, inclusion, note sharing) Improving communication Help from OSTs making family connections to school Language / communication / culture; Sharing about student and family experiences Sharing OST organization vision with school staff Sharing 2nd Step resources and tools, *2nd step lanyards*, provide language / training for ALL Theme of curriculum -> scope and sequence for year provided to OSTs Learning Walks, Observations Meet face-to-face What are SEL Standards in classroom and how are they integrating SEL techniques into the class curriculum? - connections to OST (Q2) How to engage people who are not in the schools every day (e.g. part-time staff) Principals could delegate to supportive staff share leadership to other partners to run / Learn from other: Practice sharing info (appropriately) Per student Per topic / SEL focus Across locations / sites Across functions: OST, para, teacher, lunch monitor, other/admin staff, bus drivers, parents Remember September? Lauren will remind the group to think back to the Katherine Switzer K-8 School, our imaginary school we used to brainstorm real possibilities for how to strengthen our partnerships and our SEL work together.
Examining the Elements School and Partner work proactively to understand and incorporate school priorities and instructional focus into partner programming School and Partner work together to adjust programming based on priorities, and school, student and community needs. Strategic Alignment School and Partner work intentionally to build relationships with other partners in the school, school staff, and parents/families School and Partner work to streamline services with those of other partners and the school, gain awareness of potential overlaps in service, and develop effective referral processes Coordinated Services School and Partner work together to establish shared goals School and Partner have clearly outlined and documented agreements on scope of services Shared Accountability School and Partner have a plan in place for tracking progress towards shared goals School and Partner regularly review progress toward these goals and outcomes. Results Driven School and Partner communicate regularly School and Partner share information and provide/solicit feedback from one another and other partners. Effective Communication Lauren will introduce Miriam who will introduce herself, the School-Community Partnerships Office, background information on the Elements. Lauren will say a bit around how we collaborate to support the sites, then we’ll keep going. Miriam will be around until 3 o’clock to float and listen to see where sites are at.
Shared Accountability Examining the Elements School and Partner work proactively to understand and incorporate school priorities and instructional focus into partner programming School and Partner work together to adjust programming based on priorities, and school, student and community needs. Strategic Alignment School and Partner work together to establish shared goals School and Partner have clearly outlined and documented agreements on scope of services Shared Accountability We’re inviting you to focus on these two for today
Introduce notecatcher
While folks are working: put back up the photo slideshow of kids and staff / light music