Infrastructure Strategy 1: Implement roadway improvements that compensate for impacts of aging on safe driving Strategy 2: Implement improvements to make walking and bicycling safer for older road users
Infrastructure Roadway Improvements (Strategy 1) Improve delineation Paint / Raise channelization of geometric features Optimize lane usage Increase use of advanced warning guidance Intersection improvements 4 lane divided, rural intersections Wrong-Way Driver Signage and Detection Older Drivers are in higher percentages in rural counties where we have more of these divided intersections. Complex decisions are needed to maneuver.
Infrastructure Walking and Bicycling (Strategy 2) Improving crosswalks Leading pedestrian intervals Median refuges and/or curb bump outs. Bundle of low-cost intersection improvements to be implemented systematically.
Infrastructure Aging Population Roadway Design Training Cleveland – February 26th, 2019 Dayton – February 28th, 2019
What are we doing? Intersection Improvements
What are we doing? Intersection Improvements
What are we doing? Intersection Improvements
What are we doing? #1 – Systematic Upgrades – 17 counties #2 – Wrong Way Detection System - Corridor 1 - Explain Systematic
Why are we doing it? 2016: 3 crashes, 3 fatalities Why is Wrong Way Driving a concern for older drivers? 2016: 3 crashes, 3 fatalities 2 during daylight hours 2017: 8 incidents, 6 crashes, 7 fatalities 4 during daylight hours 2018: 7 crashes, 4 fatalities 4 crashes during daylight hours
Systematic – Wrong Way Signage How did we select the 17 counties (also include Warren and Butler) -We looked at # of interchanges -We also looked at WW crashes The key was over the past 10 years, these 17 counties represented over 80% of the WW crashes in Ohio.
ODOT’s TEM Manual was revised in January 2017 Systematic – Wrong Way Signage ODOT’s TEM Manual was revised in January 2017 Explain what the TEM now says in section (301-17) – Revised January 20, 2017
Systematic – Wrong Way Signage
Systematic – Wrong Way Signage
Wrong Way Signage - Detection 23 ramps both NB and SB on 71 – This ranked a top corridor based on history of WW crashes, alcohol involved crashes, alcohol establishments, etc Consultant currently putting together design package Project was filed on 6/15/18. sale date of 9/13/18
Process – Identify Focus Areas : LEGEND: Focus Area: What will this process look like? This process will identify focus areas in the state with significant pedestrian activity and higher populations of older road users.
2019 Active Transportation Funding Opportunity Project funding for cost-effective proven safety countermeasures with known safety benefits can help reduce non-motorized fatalities & serious injuries. Rectangular rapid-flashing beacons (RRFB) Leading pedestrian intervals (LPI) Crosswalk visibility enhancements Raised crosswalks Implementing in focus area (D8) first for pedestrian improvements Potential to roll this process out state-wide to implement other improvements to improve older driver safety, not just pedestrians. Pedestrian crossing/refuge islands Pedestrian hybrid beacons (PHBs) Road Diets