Strategy 2017-2020.


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Presentation transcript:

Strategy 2017-2020

Objectives Joined up networks of help and advice Practical support for communities Listening more effectively Using existing support more effectively The Voluntary Sector Forum (Children, Young People and Families) has been funded by Norfolk County Council as part of the VCSE Engagement grant – “Working Together”. Norfolk County Council, Momentum, Voluntary Norfolk and Community Action Norfolk worked together to develop a shared understanding of what we collectively need to do to improve support to the local VCSE sector. A framework was developed for improving support to local VCSE organisations, which describes the key objectives and outcomes that the County Council, Momentum, Voluntary Norfolk and Community Action Norfolk will work together to deliver between 2017 to 2020. Joined up networks of help and advice To make it easier for VCSE organisations to get the information, advice, training and support they need. Practical support for communities To make it easier for Norfolk residents to get the information, advice, training and support they need to volunteer and participate in their community. Listening more effectively The County Council and the VCSE sector to work more collaboratively, so that we have a shared understanding of local issues, a better understanding of all the services and support available, and so we are able to make the best use of our collective resources, for the benefit of Norfolk residents. Using existing support more effectively To make better use of the existing resources which are available to support VCSE organisations and communities, such as volunteers, buildings, training, IT and other systems.

Outcome 3: Listening More Effectively The work of the Forum sits under Outcome 3: Listening More Effectively: The County Council and the VCSE sector to work more collaboratively, so that we have a shared understanding of local issues, a better understanding of all the services and support available, and so we are able to make the best use of our collective resources, for the benefit of Norfolk residents.

3.1 There is a coordinated and ongoing programme of engagement between public services and the VCSE sector, to include a regular programme of forums. The Voluntary Sector Forum will provide four network meetings, and have elected reps, who sit on numerous multi-agency boards and groups and report to the Forum Forum membership to be renewed Forum Measures Increase in Forum membership from September 2017 – 1% increase -Organisations continue to join the Forum – at least 5 new members per year

Representation at key strategic meetings coordinated through the Voluntary Sector Forum and SLG. Statutory partners report that they know how to seek appropriate representation from the sector Outcomes of consultations with the sector – numbers of responses, feedback from statutory partners Forum Measures Elected reps to provide reports to the Forum Sector News E-news to include details of meetings coming up and reps attending - 75% of reports to be sent to the Forum within the timescale -Reps to provide reports within 6 weeks of attending the meeting -75% of reports to be sent to the Forum within the timescale Provide four meetings per year -No. of meetings - Meetings to be held in March, June, September and December -No. of organisations represented - At least 25 organisations represented at each meeting -No. of meetings attended by NCC rep with ‘You said we did’ tool - All statutory partners to give feedback on what has happened as a result At least 25 organisations represented at each meeting Hold a joint annual conference No. of organisations represented -60% of Forum members attend the conference No. of evaluations that rate the conference as good-excellent -80% of evaluations report good- excellent Elections to take place for all representatives  -Elections take place  -No. of boards with an elected rep- Nominations received for 90% of groups and reps elected   Momentum and the Forum to be represented on the SLG -Attendance at SLG and feedback to Forum - SLG reports made available to Forum members Statutory partners contact the Forum for the purposes of engagement -No and range of statutory partners seeking to engage with the Forum - An increase in the range of partners attending Information about the role of the Forum in engaging with our sector to be sent to statutory partners All those seeking to engage through the sector to be asked to complete a “request for engagement” form to be completed one month after the engagement Completed “requests for engagement” report show a positive outcome- 90% of reports show a positive outcome

Increase in joined-up working between community development roles 3.2 There are strong relationships between the County Council and the VCSE sector at operational and strategic levels, and greater coordination of our teams, for example people working in community development roles. Increase in joined-up working between community development roles Forum Measures Locality Workers link in with the Forum and share information about the issues they have identified in their locality Reports from the Locality Workers - At least 3 reports per year provided to the Forum from the Locality Workers Information provided to Locality Workers to take back to their localities - Evidence of engagement between the Forum and the localities  

3.3 Public services and the VCSE sector are good at sharing data and information. Data is shared with Norfolk County Council Community Action Norfolk to provide “intelligence” about sector issues to the Forum.   Forum will use CAN “intelligence hub” to facilitate wider engagement with the sector Forum members engage with the updating of the “Sector Led Plan” - 80% of Forum members contribute

3.4 The VCSE sector is engaged early in the development and co-production of Norfolk County Council’s key strategies, policies and service changes. Requests for VCSE engagement from the sector are directed through the appropriate channel The steering group for this grant is able to clearly identify that statutory partners are seeking opportunities for genuine engagement with the VCSE sector for co-production opportunities. Actions as in 3.1

3.5 Public services and VCSE organisations make evidence based, informed decisions about service provision based on good local intelligence and shared priorities. The steering group is able to identify that the partnership is consulted by statutory partners to make decisions around service provision Momentum Chief Executive, Cindee Crehan, sits on the steering group and will give feedback from the Forum. Tim Sweeting, Chair of the Forum will be offered the opportunity to input into the Steering Group too.

3.6 Norfolk County Council and the VCSE sector work together to identify and address barriers to implementing this framework. A steering group should be established that includes the three CEOs and representation from Communities and Environment, Adult Services and Children’s Services plus other relevant statutory partners. The steering group should meet at 6-monthly intervals to monitor the progress against the outcomes. A six-monthly exceptions report will be provided by the partners, with an annual report giving detail of progress and identifying any potential issues for the year ahead. Momentum CEO to sit on the steering group Momentum CEO to report back to the Forum on any key issues identified. A 6-monthly report on the progress of the Forum to be provided for monitoring Reports to be provided for periods: 1st October – 31st March 1st April – 30th September - 6 reports in total

3.6 Norfolk County Council and the VCSE sector work together to identify and address barriers to implementing this framework. Agreed activity/ approach A steering group should be established that includes the three CEOs and representation from Communities and Environment, Adult Services and Children’s Services plus other relevant statutory partners. The steering group should meet at 6-monthly intervals to monitor the progress against the outcomes. A six-monthly exceptions report will be provided by the partners, with an annual report giving detail of progress and identifying any potential issues for the year ahead.

Our Principles All activity must work towards improve outcomes for children, young people and families All organisations (no matter their size) have an equal value in contributing to the children and young people’s agenda We uphold openness and transparency amongst partners We unite behind our common aims and always seek to speak with one voice, but recognise that the sector does not have a single voice The Forum previously agreed core principles that it is proposed will underpin the work to meet the above aims and act as a test to ensure that we are focused on the right things.