Summer Two: You’re Hired! Reception: Summer Two Overview The final term in Early Years will support children in their transition to Key Stage One. They will continue to learn through storytelling and role play, demonstrating their progress in writing through a range of extended writing opportunities. Children will consolidate their learning through exploration of ‘homes’ and what they represent and mean to us. Alongside this, children will take part in ‘Den Day’ and learn about how they can respect the rights of other children who do not have a safe place to live. Communication and Language Physical Development Personal, Social and Emotional Development including RRS Story Telling Actions Role Play - Little Mouse’s Hole Hot Seating Film – story telling Athletics Letters to and from the bear about making friends Moving home Changes Design a new house – wants and needs. Exploring Media and Materials Exploring Materials for a new house for Little Mouse Fruit Collage – inspired by illustrations What can you see? – inspired by Little Mouse’s amazement Understanding the World Literacy Different kinds of homes – where do we live? Where does Little Mouse live? Similarities and Differences Exploring Materials Build a house for mouse Healthy Eating – design a meal for Little Mouse Retelling Actions and Words Sequencing and rewrite the story Speech Bubbles Story Innovation Story Map their own innovation Book Review Author Study, including a comparison between books Other Core Texts: Croc and Bird Mathematics Over the year, children will continue to develop their mathematical skills and knowledge through Maths Mastery. Alongside this, the children will apply their maths skills across the curriculum, for example comparing the size of animal homes and comparing weights of fruits. Review 2016