Phylum Annelida The Segmented Worms 1st phyla we will talk about and what we will cover in the lab today is…
Annelida Characteristics Triploblastic Organ level of organization Bilateral Symmetry Cephalization Eucoelomate
Eucoelomate Have a “true” body cavity that is completely surrounded by mesoderm ectoderm coelom mesoderm Gut endoderm
Annelid Characteristics the coelom is a closed, fluid filled cavity that surrounds the gut mesodermal membranes (mesenteries) suspend organs in the coelom
Annelida Characteristics Protostome Development is characterized by: blastopore becomes the mouth Spiral / determinate cleavage Schizocoely
Annelida Characteristics Metamerism The body is made up of serially repeating, coordinated segments called metameres that are separated from one another by septa. Each metamere contains sets of repeating organs e.g. blood vessels, nerve cord, excretory organs
Metamerism septa
Annelida Characteristics Nervous system 2 cerebral ganglia a ventral nerve cord with 2 ganglia per metamere. In some species, sensory organs such as eyes, palps, and tentacles have arisen
Annelida Characteristics Locomotion both longitudinal and circular muscles most have chaetae [setae] (chitonous bristles secreted by the epidermis) that aid in locomotion and burrowing Skeletal System fluid in coelom acts as a hydrostatic skeleton
Annelid Characteristics Gas exchange mainly by diffusion Class Polychaeta often has specialized structures for gas exchange (e.g. parapodia, gills)
Annelid Characteristics Digestive System complete regional specialization
Annelid Characteristics Circulatory System closed circulatory system composed of blood vessels (some of which are contractile and act as “hearts”) some circulation is also accomplished by the coelomic fluid
Annelid Characteristics Excretion excretion is accomplished by organs called nephridia (singular nephridium) predominantly sexual Reproduction
Phylum Annelida Class Polychaeta Class: Clitellata Subclass: Oligochaeta Subclass: Hirudinea
Class Polychaeta 1st phyla we will talk about and what we will cover in the lab today is…
Class Polychaeta most marine; about 30 species that are freshwater and brackish water in the US. this class contains 2/3 of all known Annelids have a well developed head with specialized sense organs 1st phyla we will talk about and what we will cover in the lab today is…
Class Polychaeta have many chaetae [setae] (chitonous bristles secreted by the epidermis) (Poly = many, chaeta= setae) these setae are arranged in bundles on paddle-like appendages called parapodia 1st phyla we will talk about and what we will cover in the lab today is… setae
Class Polychaeta Parapodium chaetae 1st phyla we will talk about and what we will cover in the lab today is… The parapodia function in gas exchange, locomotion, and feeding.
Parapodia are biramous
Class Polychaeta Tagmatization (tagmosis) the fusion and specialization of formerly metameric segments 1st phyla we will talk about and what we will cover in the lab today is…
Class Polychaeta Many are filter-feeders with specialized structures 1st phyla we will talk about and what we will cover in the lab today is…
Terebellids with tentacles that creep over the surface of the substratum and accumulate food
Class Polychaeta Many are predatory with specialized structures: Jaws 1st phyla we will talk about and what we will cover in the lab today is…
Class Polychaeta Many construct their own homes out of CaCO3 or sand debris and mucous 1st phyla we will talk about and what we will cover in the lab today is…
Class Polychaeta Reproduction usually dioecious no permanent sex organs; gametes are shed into coelom fertilization is usually external indirect development trocophore larvae 1st phyla we will talk about and what we will cover in the lab today is…
Class Polychaeta Epitoky this swarming behavior is usually In some species, the rear portion of the worm (“epitoke”: carries the eggs or sperm), breaks off from the body and swims to the surface to reproduce. The remaining benthic worm (“atoke”) continues to feed and grow and will eventually produce new epitokes. To synchronize these spawnings, this swarming behavior is usually triggered by the full moon. 1st phyla we will talk about and what we will cover in the lab today is…
Polychaetes Swarming
Polychaetes Swarming
Class Polychaeta Reproduction asexual Epitokes 1st phyla we will talk about and what we will cover in the lab today is… Epitokes
Symbiotic relationships Many scaleworms are found near, or in the mouth, of brittlestars, starfish, sea urchins, and molluscs. The scaleworm eats its host’s leftovers and with its vicious jaws, it will attack any predator trying to eat it’s host. 1st phyla we will talk about and what we will cover in the lab today is…
Subclass Oligochaeta 1st phyla we will talk about and what we will cover in the lab today is…
Subclass Oligochaeta terrestrial, freshwater and few marine have few setae (Oligo = few, chaeta = setae) usually feed on detritus (decaying organic matter) have specialized digestive system to obtain the maximum amount of nutrients out of the detritus (e.g. typhlosole, gizzard, crop…)
Subclass Oligochaeta typhlosole- infolding of the dorsal side of the intestine increases surface area for absorption of nutrients typhlosole gut
Subclass Oligochaeta Reproduction usually monoecious cross-fertilize by exchanging sperm clitellum testis
Earthworms Secret Cocoons Where They Store Their Eggs!
Ecology Earthworms are essential soil aerators in terrestrial and aquatic habitats If all the material ever moved through earthworms was piled up, the heap would rise 30 miles , more than 5 times the height of Mount Everest!! 1st phyla we will talk about and what we will cover in the lab today is…
What is the most exciting thing about earthworms?
What is the most exciting thing about earthworms? The Giant Gippsland earthworm, Megascolides australis can reach lengths of nearly 4 meters, the Central and South American Glossoscolecidae can reach 2 meters and the Australian earthworm Terriswalkeris terraereginae can get to 2 meters in length and the mucin it releases is luminescent!
What is the most exciting thing about earthworms? The Microchaetus rappi more commonly know as the Giant South African Earthworm to over 20 feet long!