A world of opportunities Prepared: Enders Lev 11-g class
I would like to get into Cambridge University.
I’ve chosen this university because it takes pride in a large number of the world's most prominent scientists, writers, politicians who used to study there. Isaac Newton – a British physicist, mathematician, engineer and astronomer, one of the founders of classical physics. He studied at Cambridge.
Brief history of the University of Cambridge Cambridge University, founded in the UK in 1209, is considered one of the oldest and most famous universities of the world. The university was founded out of an association of scholars who left the University of Oxford after a dispute with the townspeople. Cambridge University today boasts 31 colleges and over 13,000 students. Its faculties, departments and colleges occupy different locations in town including purposely-built sites and the student life thrives. The university is considered to be one of the most prestigious institutions of higher learning in the United Kingdom and the world.
To get into Cambridge The deadline for Cambridge applications is 15 October, which is much earlier than for most other universities. I went on to the UCAS website and applied. I chose my course. Shortly after completing my online application, I was asked to send in some of my old school essays to give my future tutors some examples of my academic work. And soon after that I got an invitation to go up to Cambridge for some interviews. I had three twenty-minute interviews with different teachers from my department. They were interested in how I get to my answers, in my method of thinking and dealing with problems. I have all chances to get into Cambridge.
On the website of this institution is a huge list of documents required for admission. They can be brought in person or sent by mail.
I’ve chosen chemical engineering as my course This course concentrates on the scientific principles that underpin modern chemical and biochemical engineering. The Cambridge University has strong links with industry. The course is supported by a consortium of 10 industrial companies which provide input on content and assist with teaching. Within chemical engineering there are many well-paid career opportunities.