CHAPTER 11 The Triumphs and Travails of Jeffersonian Republic, 1800–1812
Theme #1 Jefferson’s effective, pragmatic policies strengthened the principles of two-party republican government, even though the Jeffersonian “revolution” caused sharp partisan battles between Federalists and Democratic - Republicans (Republicans) over particular issues.
Federalists vs. Democratic Republicans Election of 1800 Federalists Democratic-Republicans Adams, Jay, and Pinckney Hurt by Adams decision not to go to War against France Why raise a Navy and not use it? Many upset by the Alien and Sedition Acts Jefferson and Burr Mud slinging from Federalists mostly against Jefferson Many in the party wanted to take power away from the strong federal government
Was it a Revolution? A peaceful transition of power – no war or violence needed Since it was another political party of farmers and landowners it was the “people’s party”
Jefferson’s Beginning of the Presidency He declared all Americans were Federalists and all were Republicans Made some changes Pardoned some in prison under Sedition Act Excise taxes, but kept the National Bank Reduced national debt Cut back the Navy and Army Problems with “midnight judges”
Marbury vs. Madison Judiciary Act of 1789 Federalist appointments under Adams Madison (new Sec. of State) waited on the appointments and William Marbury sued 1803 ruling set up judicial review
Thomas Jefferson Discussion Questions In what ways was his presidency good for the people? In what ways was his presidency good for the country? How much of a “revolution” was Jefferson’ presidency? Do you think he was a good president? Why or why not?
Theme #2 Despite his intentions, Jefferson became deeply entangled in the foreign-policy conflicts of the Napoleonic era, leading to a highly unpopular and failed embargo that revived the moribund Federalist Party.
International Events and Jefferson’s Foreign Policy 1801 – Tripolian War against the Barbary States Pirate Marines got involved and eventually a treaty was signed in 1805 Louisiana Territory - 1803 Monroe sent to France to negotiate buying New Orleans, instead bought all of the territory for $15 M Constitutionality of buying land?
Britain and France in War Jefferson did not want War even though… Impressment of sailors by Britain French seizure of American merchant ships Embargo Act of 1807 Suspension of all exported goods Harmed New England states Also hurt farmers who could not export tobacco, grains, and cotton 1809 – Congress repealed it and replaced it with the Non- Intercourse Act ( embargo with France and Britain only) Impact of the Embargo?
More Discussion on Thomas Jefferson How do these international events shape Jefferson’s Presidency? How would you rate Jefferson’s presidency in terms of foreign affairs?
Theme #3 James Madison fell into an international trap, set by Napoleon, that Jefferson had avoided. Western War Hawks’ enthusiasm for a war with Britain was matched by New Englanders’ hostility.
James Madison and the Road to the War of 1812 Britain and France in War Trade Issues and Neutrality Impressment Issue Native American Issue Unevacuated Forts in the Ohio River Valley and beyond 2nd War of Independence (to prove ability to self-govern / self defend)
Discussion: Comparing Jefferson & Madison Was Madison more or less successful than Jefferson in international affairs? Madison is now a Democratic-Republican. Why? Has he changed? Has the country changed?