Tour de table ESF Evaluation Partnership Brussels, 7 December 2017


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Presentation transcript:

Tour de table ESF Evaluation Partnership Brussels, 7 December 2017 YEI results (Latvia) Tour de table ESF Evaluation Partnership Brussels, 7 December 2017

Unemployed participants 7 918 Long-term unemployed participants 2 128 Inactive participants 3 055

Unemployed participants 3 185 Long-term unemployed participants 1 604 Inactive participants upon leaving 1 023

Unemployed participants 3 168 Long-term unemployed participants 1 599 Inactive participants 1 297

CR10 Participants in continued education, training programmes leading to a qualification, an apprenticeship or a traineeship six months after leaving 252 CR11 Participants in employment, six months after leaving 4 131 CR12 Participants in self-employment six months after leaving 86

Data collection for longer-term result indicators 2 options used (due to different agencies) Data registers (State Employment Agency) Interviews by phone (State Education Development Agency) All participants covered Internal costs (no specific calculations)