Musical Terms and Symbols
Treble Clef
Bass Clef
Quarter Note – usually 1 count
Eighth note – usually half a count
Half Note – usually 2 counts
Whole note – usually gets 4 counts
Quarter Rest – usually one count of silence
Half Rest
Whole Rest – usually means 4 counts of silence
Means “gradually get louder” Crescendo Means “gradually get louder”
Decrescendo Means “gradually get softer”
Pianissimo Means “very soft”
Fortissimo Means “Very Loud”
Forte Means “loud”
Piano Means “soft”
Sharp – means higher
Flat – means lower
The space between 2 bar lines Measure The space between 2 bar lines
Time signature
Fermata A pause or hold of unspecified length – watch the director!
Ritardando means gradually slow down