Comment Resolution Summary Letter Ballot 1 Category: RCPI January 2004 doc.: IEEE 802.11-04/xxxx September 2004 Comment Resolution Summary Letter Ballot 1 Category: RCPI Joe Kwak InterDigital Communications joekwak@mindsprin,com Joe Kwak Areg Alimian CMC, Bernard Aboba Microsoft
RCPI Comment Summary Total Number of Comments: 94 Number reassigned: 4 January 2004 doc.: IEEE 802.11-04/xxxx RCPI Comment Summary September 2004 Total Number of Comments: 94 Number reassigned: 4 Unknown Comment: 1 SubCategories: 18 Simple Errors 13 Misc 6 Accuracy 8 Backwards compatibility 2 Measurement bandwidth 7 RCPI Definition 3 Histogram step sizes 12 Probe Response 8 RCPI for noise measurement 9 Measurement Range 2 Measurement Resolution Joe Kwak Areg Alimian CMC, Bernard Aboba Microsoft
RCPI SubCategory Details January 2004 doc.: IEEE 802.11-04/xxxx September 2004 RCPI SubCategory Details Measurement Accuracy: 1 for less accuracy, 4 for more accuracy (+/- 3dB suggested) Backward Compatibility: 3 voters all concerned about changes to PHY and RxVector. Measurement BW: 2 voters concerned with variable channel BWs. Suggested to use TGj as model for linking measurement BW to defined channel BW. Histogram steps: 1 for smaller steps, 2 for larger steps Probe Response: Suggested resolution to all by Black in 11-04/1095 Joe Kwak Areg Alimian CMC, Bernard Aboba Microsoft
RCPI SubCategory Details (cont) September 2004 RCPI SubCategory Details (cont) RCPI for Noise Measurement: Kwak to provide contribution to resolve at next meeting. Measurement Range: 4 voters for decreasing measurement range, not sure if extra bit would be useful. Measurement Resolution: 1 voter suggests .5db-->1dB MISC: Most of these are requests for clarification, not difficult but takes some work Joe Kwak
ISSUES Request to resurrect Fast Scan from 11-03/0834? September 2004 ISSUES Request to resurrect Fast Scan from 11-03/0834? Add RCPI to Association Request/Response? Joe Kwak
Comments Ready for Review and Vote September 2004 Comments Ready for Review and Vote RCPI in Probe Response (addressed in 11-04/1095: 25, 27, 28, 31, 316, 336, 337, 339, 775, 777, 942 Simple Errors: 21, 180, 183, 197, 203, 207, 215, 216, 231, 375, 448, 492, 555, 563, 627, 636, 783, 935 Joe Kwak