Random functions
Enter the formula =RAND() and copy it down to obtain 500 random numbers
Calculate the mean, standard deviation, median, first, third quartiles, skewness and kurtosis of the distribution The cells with the random numbers in them “update” as calculations based on them are entered.
Use an IF to interpret any number less than 0 Use an IF to interpret any number less than 0.5 as “Tails” and any other number as “Heads”
Use the COUNTIF function to see how many heads and tails you get
Use the formula =RANDBETWEEN(1,6) to generate 500 integers between 1 and 6
Calculate the Frequencies of the values 1 through 6 Calculate the Frequencies of the values 1 through 6. (Remember “array formula”)
Create a histogram for the frequencies.
Recall how you can control the y axis min and max
I was finding it hard to trick the automatically generated histogram into looking decent. Note the weird bin width.