Energy efficiency in buildings Agata Kotkowska Head of Sector Buildings and District Heating and Cooling H2020 Energy Unit, EASME Freeing Europe safely from asbestos 24 June 2015
Framework Energy Efficiency Policies Delivering the 2020 goals Energy Efficiency Directive 2012/27/EU Ecodesign Directive 2009/125/EC Energy Performance of Buildings Directive 2010/31/EU This is the current legislative framework of Energy efficiency embedding 4 key pillars: Energy Efficiency Directive (EED); Energy Performance of Buildings Directive (EPBD); Ecodesign Directive; Energy Labelling Directive. Energy Labelling Directive 2010/30/EU
Concrete actions in the framework of the Energy Union Energy efficiency Concrete actions in the framework of the Energy Union Review the Energy Efficiency Directive Review the EPBD Review the Energy Labelling and Ecodesign Directives Strengthened financial instruments to support investments in energy efficiency EU strategy for Heating and Cooling As regards the EED Review, the Commission will look at certain aspects of the Directive (bringing the measures in line with in 2030 energy and climate framework, and analyse the state of play where we have the obligation towards the EU and Council, including looking at the optimal level of an EU 2030 energy efficiency target under Article 3 when extending the final date of Article 7 beyond 2020 or removing it, possibly streamlining the reporting and monitoring depending on the new governance system. More concretely, the EPBD Review will analyse the application of the current EPBD and the means to accelerate investments, notably in the existing EU building stock. It will address better enforcement and compliance of the energy efficiency requirements in the regional and national buildings codes. [Other important aspects to be evaluated include: Energy Performance Certificates (EPCs) and their role in stimulating energy efficient renovation of the building stock; Ensuring new highly efficient buildings with higher share of renewable energy; Links between the EPBD and district and city levels, smart cities, and efficient heating and cooling networks.] Buildings have huge potential for energy efficiency gains. Retrofitting existing buildings to make them energy efficient and making full use of sustainable space heating and cooling will reduce the EU's energy import bills, reinforce energy security and cut energy costs for households and businesses. 9. The EU has set itself the target of reaching at least 27% energy savings by 2030. In 2015 and 2016, the Commission will review all relevant energy efficiency legislation and will propose revisions, where needed, to underpin the 2030 target. (EPBD and EED Reviews) Member States and regions should make more use of European funds for renovation of housing. 10. Buildings have huge potential for energy efficiency gains. Retrofitting existing buildings to make them energy efficient and making full use of sustainable space heating and cooling will reduce the EU's energy import bills, reinforce energy security and cut energy costs for households and businesses. The Commission will develop a ‘Smart Financing for Smart Buildings’-initiative to make existing buildings more energy-efficient, facilitating access to existing funding instruments. The Commission will propose a strategy to facilitate investment in heating and cooling. [As regards the Heating and Cooling strategy, it will e.g. look at synergies between industrial heat consumption and the buildings and (d) the connection with the electricity market.] 11. The EU needs to speed up energy efficiency and decarbonisation in the transport sector, its progressive switch to alternative fuels and the integration of the energy and transport systems. The Commission will propose a comprehensive road transport package promoting more efficient pricing of infrastructure, the roll-out of intelligent transport solutions and enhancing energy efficiency. the Commission will take further action to create the right market conditions for an increased deployment of alternative fuels and to further promote procurement of clean vehicles. This will be delivered through a mix of national, regional and local measures, supported by the EU. 15. The EU will make full use of the EU's external policy instruments to ensure that a strong, united EU engages constructively with its partners and speaks with one voice on energy and climate. e.g., The Commission with the HR/VP, will develop an active agenda to strengthen EU energy cooperation with third countries, including on RES and EE.
BUILD UP Skills Initiative Pillar I National Qualification Platforms and Roadmaps Call for proposals 2011 and 2012 Pillar II Qualification and Training Schemes Call for proposals 2012, 2013, 2014 European Exchange Activities Organised by EASME
From strategy to action – Pillar II 10 BUILD UP Skills Pillar II projects have started in October 2013: national projects in AT, CY, DE, EE, ES, FI, IE, LV, NL, RO 12 BUILD UP Skills Pillar II projects have started in September 2014: national projects in BG, EL, HR, HU, IT, LT, LU, MK, PT, SE, SK 5 new projects started between March-June 2015 (Construction Skills topic under Horizon 2020; blue and/or white collar workers)
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