Mendelian Genetics
In pg. 54 Why do you think this insect looks this way? How many insects are in this picture? Why is this good or bad?
Do it now pg. 54 Why is having traits or phenotypes that help us to survive longer advantageous?
Do it Now pg. 54 Have you ever changed your ideas about anything? Did it happen over night or did it take time? What made you change your mind on this topic? What causes change to happen? Have cars or computers changed? Get out several page extenders for today! ;-)
Game You will be put into groups of 5 – 7 Take a writing utensil to the line you are assigned to sit in. You will be given verbal instructions it is important that you follow the instruction as given. There will be questions to answer Save your drawings they will go in your notebook.
Thru 1: Telephone game pg.55 I think evolution is ________________ I think this because _________________________.
Darwin Vs. Lamark Get back in your telephone groups. Go to google classroom and open Darwin Vs Lamark Get a piece of poster paper and do a comparison & contrast of Darwin and Lamark’s ideas evolution on the poster paper. You will then post it on the front of a cabinet and will do a gallery walk shortly with post it notes.
Thru 2 pg. 55 I think my original idea that is evolution………………….. is correct / incorrect because……….. which was supported or not supported in the comparison & contrast poster between Darwin and Lamark.
Thru 3: pg. 55 Calvin Cartoon Go to google classroom and open the Calvin Evolution Cartoon. Answer the following question: LaMarck vs Darwin: Read the following cartoon and explain how Calvin’s use of the stilts is like the evolution of the giraffe's neck………………. This further helps support my idea of evolution because…………………………...
Thru 4: pg. 55 Survival Game You must use internet explorer for this game it is not supported on Google Chrome or Firefox. Put in the following address or copy and paste into internet explorer from google classroom: Darwin Game: Play the game and then answer the survival Questions.
Thru 5 pg. 55 I believe Natural Selection happens because……………..and………….supports this idea. My idea that evolution happens………………..has / has not changed because……….and I can show evidence in these facts…………………..
Do it again pg. 54 Who were Darwin and Lamark?
Out pg. 54 Why are some traits more advantageous than others?