ICT-enabled assistive systems based on non-invasive BCI BRAIN-COMPUTER INTERACTION ICT-enabled assistive systems based on non-invasive BCI Joseph Bremer European Commission, DG Information Society and Media E-Inclusion Unit (H3)
AGENDA The objectives of the workshop Assistive technologies in the EU Research programme Main discussion topics
Workshop objectives Assess the state-of-play in BCI research Identify the most promising application areas Identify the major issues to be addressed
Assistive technology in EU research AT research since FP4 Main focus so far: Access to ICT resources (haptic feedback, eye-gaze interaction) Support to independent living Future focus: Integration of AT with mainstream technology Use of emerging technologies for AT applications
Discussion topics (1) Potential application areas For each potential application area: What are the benefits of BCI over other solutions ? What are the application specific issues?
Discussion topics (2) What can be achieved in the short-term? Proof of concept? Prototype? Identification of future research issues? Exploitable results?
Discussion topics (3) What are the key issues? Standardisation? Technology maturity? Cost of technology? Questionable benefits to the users?