Figure 6: Anti-inflammatory medication blocks the catabolic effect of transverse forces. (A) µCT images of representative maxillae from Sham, Experimental, and Experimental + NSAIDs groups after 14 days of force application. (B) H&E and TRAP staining of histological sections taken from the mid-palatal suture in the area of contact between the first and second molars in Sham, Experimental and Experimental + NSAIDs groups after 7 and 14 days of transverse force application. Osteoclasts are red multinucleated cells (black arrows). Change in expression of (C) RANKL, Ctsk and (D) IL-1β and CCL2 in the mid-palatal suture in the presence and absence of NSAID was measured by RT- PCR at Days 3 and 7. Data are expressed as mean ± SD “fold-change” in expression in comparison to Sham. Each value represents the average of 5 samples. (* Significantly different from Sham group, p<0.05). Alikhani M, Alansari S, Al Jearah MM, Gadhavi N, Hamidaddin MA, Shembesh FA, Sangsuwon C, Nervina JM, Teixeira CC. Innovation. 2018. 1(4):e1. doi:10.30771/2018.2