sfjglkajflka Analogy To CELLS By: Deaun & Morgan
Sully = Cytoplasm Sully is the cytoplasm because he holds the scare floor together like the cytoplasm holds the cell together
Mr. Waternoose = Nucleus Mr. Waternoose is the Nucleus because he controls the whole monsters inc. like the nucleus does the cell
Screams = Nucleolus screams control the city and the nucleolus controls what the cell does.
Endoplasmic Reticulum Hallways = Endoplasmic Reticulum The Endoplasmic Reticulum transports things around the cell like the hallways transport cells.
Mike Wazowski = Ribosome Mike is like a ribosome because he helps Sully be top scarer, and a ribosome makes protein to support the cell, like the cytopasm
Kids Doors = Mitochondria
Scream Carts = Vacuoles. The Scream carts store the screams like the vacuole stores nutrients
The Janitors =Glogi Bodies The janitors sort everything that comes into Monsters Inc. The Golgi Body sorts all packages and proteins.
The CDA = Cell Wall CDA is the Cell wall because it portects monsters from children. The cell wall protects the cell
Celia = Cell Membrane Cell Mem. controls what goes in and out of the cell. Celia controls who goes in or out of Monsters Inc.