Principles for an International casemix classification system (Poster C405) It describes a set of principles, developed by the Family Development Committee, for an international casemix classification system based on the use of the Family of International Classifications. I am presenting on behalf of the co-authors of the paper and we would like to thank you for the opportunity to present this work to everyone and would also acknowledge the valuable contributions of the FDC members in this work so far. Jenny Hargreaves (FDC co-chair, Australian Collaborating Centre) Huib Ten Napel (FDC co-chair, Netherlands Collaborating Centre) Brooke Macpherson (FDC secretary, Australian Collaborating Centre)
FDC task FDC strategic work plan task work towards developing generic principles for the use of the WHO-FIC ‘core’ classifications (ICD, ICF and ICHI) in casemix specifications internationally. FDC discussed this at the 2014 mid-year meeting
Objective of this work
Objectives – short term
Objectives – long term
Draft principles - WHO set of casemix groupers
Draft principles - WHO set of casemix groupers
Draft principles - WHO set of casemix groupers
Next Steps The Family Development Committee intends to consider further: identification of sources of information to generate the grouper whether the work would lead to a grouper specification or an actual software implementation the importance of testing the hypothesis that casemix classifications will be better with use of ICD-11 and ICF.