Milton Hourglass Project Kurt Muller, P.E. Senior Engineer The Johnson Company, Inc.
Milton Hourglass Project 214–218 Route 7 Property Owner: Sotos Papaseraphim 204–210 Route 7 Property Owner: Jamie Parent Image Source: Chittenden County RPC / Resource Systems Group, Inc., US-7/Railroad St/Middle Rd Scoping Study, 11/21/12.
204-210 Route 7 Recognized Environmental Conditions (RECs) Pump Island and/or UST(s) Trailer-mounted Asphalt Sealing Machine
204-210 Route 7 Recognized Environmental Conditions (RECs) Pump Island and/or UST(s) One former concrete pump island was observed at a location west of the building at 210 Route 7. Mr. Parent indicated that the Site was formerly used as a filling station. No documentation of underground storage tank (UST) removal was identified and it is unknown if the USTs and associated piping remain in the ground. Soil and groundwater at the Site may be impacted as a result of a release from the USTs or spills during the operation of the former filling station.
204-210 Route 7 Recognized Environmental Conditions (RECs) Trailer-Mounted Asphalt Sealing Machine A small amount of dried tar-like substance (likely asphalt sealant) was observed in contact with the ground at two locations adjacent to the asphalt-sealing machine. Shallow soil beneath the tar-like substance may be impacted.
214-218 Route 7 Recognized Environmental Conditions (RECs) 55-Gallon Drum Containing Gasoline Exterior Above-Ground Storage Tank Automotive Battery
214-218 Route 7 Recognized Environmental Conditions (RECs) 55-Gallon Drum Containing Gasoline One 55-gallon drum containing what appeared to be gasoline was observed outside. The 55-gallon drum appeared to be in good condition and the bungholes were tightly closed upon inspection It was observed that gasoline had dripped down the sides of the drum onto the soil immediately below the drum. A faint gasoline odor was detected on the soil and pine needles below the drum. Shallow soil beneath the 55-gallon drum may be impacted.
214-218 Route 7 Recognized Environmental Conditions (RECs) Exterior Above-Ground Storage Tank (AST) A 275-gallon AST was observed outside of the mobile home located at 218 Route 7. The AST appeared to be relatively new and no staining was observed on the AST or on the concrete pad beneath the AST. Although no evidence of a recent release was observed, a potential previous release(s) may have occurred. Shallow soil beneath the AST may be impacted.
214-218 Route 7 Recognized Environmental Conditions (RECs) Automotive Battery An automotive battery that was broken open and laying on its side was observed in the forested area located on the wester portion of the property. Shallow soil beneath the battery may be impacted.
Next Steps Coordinate Access Agreements Complete Building Materials Assessment Lead TCLP and PCBs (Asbestos Inspection Completed) Phase II Environmental Site Assessment (ESA) 204-210 (Parent Property) UST Survey Groundwater and Soil Inspection 214-218 (Papaseraphim Property) Shallow Soil Inspection
Kurt Muller, P.E. Sr. Project Engineer Questions / Comments? Kurt Muller, P.E. Sr. Project Engineer (802) 229-4600 Montpelier, Vermont 05602