Good Morning, Bonjour, Worsley Brigade! Today is Friday November 16 , 2018 Day 2 Aujourd’hui c’est vendredi le 16 Novembre, 2018. Jour 2
Please stand for the playing of O’Canada S’il vous plaît, levez-vous pour l’hymne nationale
Land Acknowledgement Statement Simcoe County District School Board acknowledges that we are situated on the traditional land of the Anishinaabeg people. We acknowledge the enduring presence of First Nation, Métis and Inuit people on this land and are committed to moving forward in the spirit of reconciliation and respect.
Land Acknowledgement Statement Le conseil scolaire Simcoe County reconnaît que nous sommes situés sur la terre traditionnelle du peuple Anishinaabeg. Nous reconnaissons la présence durable des peuples de Premières Nations, de Métis et d’Inuits sur cette terre et nous sommes dévoués à avancer dans l’esprit de la réconciliation et du respect.
TODAY’S COURAGE QUOTE: “It’s not the size of the dog in the fight, it’s the size of the fight in the dog.” ― Mark Twain
Happy birthday today to... Bonne fête aujourd’hui à... Lily Rouse I’m a 34 second video clip of fun! Cody Howitt Kaitlyn Dunlop
Birthdays over the weekend No Birthdays today Birthdays over the weekend Katie Workman Sara Sauve-Buckley Its a long one...feel free to stop the video when you like
Second Recess Wellness Break Grades 5 to 8 students are welcome to come to the library for 2nd recess to have some QUIET down time. The Wellness Break will allow you to settle into a quiet corner in the library to read a book, do some drawing or some quiet, independent activity. No talking, chatting, doing homework, or technology allowed.
Do, Re, Me, Fa, So, La... Today the Uke club is for grades 2, 3, 4. We will meet first break at 11am in the Library for our first meeting. No prior experience is needed. Special staff and helpers can also come to learn or help (you know who you are).
WORSLEY WEAR! Worsley Wear is back! Beginning Monday items for purchase will be available to view in the front foyer. Show your school spirit by buying your Worsley Wear and wearing it proudly! If you are in junior or intermediate, and play on a sports team, we encourage you to buy a sports t-shirt with your personalized name and number. Items will be available for purchase until December 3rd.
Worsley Cheer Competition Hey Worsley, don’t forget! We’re still working on building school spirit!!! We need a new cheer, something unique, just about Worsley, that we can use as a school at assemblies, and as a team when we have sports games. Entries need to be submitted to Mrs. Hesselink in the library by November 30th. We’d like your cheer to be: 1) catchy, 2) easy to memorize, 3) unique, 4) about Worsley and 5) about 10-20 seconds in length. Happy creating!
The BOOK FAIR is almost here!!!! Wednesday November 21st - Friday November 23rd It will be open during school hours and during conferences! Can’t wait to see you there!
Primary Arts Club will meet today, second break after your lunch Primary Arts Club will meet today, second break after your lunch. We will meet in Mme. Steeves class to finish our leaf crafting. This is for grades 2 and 3. You just need to bring yourself!
Intermediate Girls Basketball Practice Today at 1:00.
That’s All Your Announcements For Today, Have a Funtastic Friday!