The War of 1812
Review Louisiana Purchase Lewis and Clark Expedition
War Begins Who was involved: What caused it: Who is in charge: The United States & Great Britain What caused it: British restrictions on American trade in Europe Impressment (kidnapping) of sailors off American ships by the British navy Britain inciting Indians to attack western settlers Who is in charge: President James Madison US Congress declared war on Britain This will be a useless war that we probably shouldn’t have fought!
The War Hawks War Hawks Why did they want war? Group of men from Congress who wanted war w/ Britain Mostly from the South & West Why did they want war? British trade restrictions had hurt Southern planters and Western farmers Western farmers blamed the British for clashes w/ the Indians along the frontier Some thought if we went to war we would receive Canada
Opposing the War The nation was not ready to fight Army had fewer than 7,000 troops and little equipment Navy only had 16 ships Many people from the New York and New England did not support the war Called it “Mr. Madison’s War” Believed it was a private fight that did not deserve the nation’s support
Funding the War Paying for the war was a problem because the Dem/Rep refused to renew the charter for the Bank of the US This made it hard for the US to borrow money from most private bankers b/c they were located in the Northeast They opposed the war and would not loan money to the govt. Despite all the problems, Madison orders the military to invade Canada
Attack Canada US military plan was to attack Canada from three directions All three attacks failed! Detroit – US troops forced to surrender Niagara Falls – US troops forced to surrender – not enough troops b/c NY militia refused to cross the river and fight They said their military service terms did not require them to leave the country Hudson River – militia accompanying troops refused to cross the border
Battle of Lake Erie Oliver Perry – Commander of the US fleet on the coast of Lake Erie in Ohio 1813 – Perry’s fleet attacks the British fleet When Perry’s ship is no longer able to fight he rowed to another vessel and continued fighting After a 4 hour battle the British surrendered The US victory stopped British supplies from getting to Canada Oliver Perry becomes a navy hero! “ Don’t give up the ship!” “We’ve met the enemy, and they are ours!”
Battle of Lake Erie
O.H. Perry’s Famous Flag
Britain’s Strategy 1814 –British war w/ France is over British can now send many more troops and more of the navy to deal w/ the US British strategy for the war had 3 parts Their navy would raid US cities along the coast March south into NY from Montreal – cutting New England off from the rest of the country Seize New Orleans and close the Mississippi River to western farmers They b/l this would force the US to make peace
Washington, D.C. 1814 – British easily dispersed the poorly trained militia defending the capital British in Washington, D.C. unopposed British almost capture President Madison He and other govt. officials forced to flee 1st Lady Dolley Madison saves important artifacts Becomes a heroine! Burn the White House and the Capitol
The White House Burns
Images of Dolley Madison and Washington D.C.
Baltimore September 13, 1814 – Baltimore was ready! City militia inflicted heavy casualties on the British troops that went ashore After bombarding Ft. McHenry throughout the night the British abandoned their attack on the city
Fort McHenry and Francis Scott Key Francis Scott Key is captured and watches the British bombard Ft. McHenry When the battle is done he sees our flag still waving and writes The Star Spangled Banner.
Francis Scott Key and The Star Spangled Banner
Battle of New Orleans January 1815 – British fleet lands near New Orleans American Commander – Andrew Jackson American troops – African-Americans, white soldiers, pirates, & outlaws Jackson used cotton bales to absorb British bullets British advancing into the open easy targets for the Americans They slaughter the British by leading them into the swamps & using sneak attacks.
Results of New Orleans American victory but… It was useless b/c the war had been over for 2 weeks! The results of the Battle of New Orleans… Made Andrew Jackson a national hero Later b/c the president Helped to destroy the Federalist Party Surge in feelings of nationalism – strong patriotism
The War Ends Treaty of Ghent – December 24, 1814 Ended the War of 1812 Did not contain a word about … Trading rights at sea Impressment of sailors Indians inciting attacks on the western frontier Not one mile of land changed hands! So…why did we fight this war???? This was a useless war because nothing changed yet many died!
Battle of Horseshoe Bend March 27, 1814 – during the War of 1812 Fought on Mississippi Territory (present day Alabama) Sides in Battle US forces led by Andrew Jackson Creek Indians Why? The Creek Indians were siding with the British They were in control of the Mississippi Territory
Assignment You are to write either a song or a poem that confronts your assigned event from the War of 1812. Your song or poem should address the: who, what, when, where, and why of your assigned event. The six events are: Battle of Horseshoe Bend Battle of Washington Fort McHenry Battle of Lake Erie The USS Constitution Battle of New Orleans