A Blueprint to safeguard Europe’s waters


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Presentation transcript:

A Blueprint to safeguard Europe’s waters WGD Reporting 28 March 2012

What is the Blueprint? The Blueprint to Safeguard Europe's Water Resources will present the policy response to the challenges presented in the State of Water Report, long-term aim: to ensure sufficient availability of good quality water for sustainable and equitable water use. Closely linked to EU 2020 Strategy and Resource Efficiency Roadmap.

Why a Blueprint? Improving the implementation of current EU water policy Fostering the integration of water and other policies When necessary, seeking the completion of the current policy framework

Synthesis of policy recommendations building on on-going assessments Impact Assessment « Fitness Check» EU water policy instruments Outlook of sustainability and vulnerability of EU water resources Policy Options Nov 2012 Blueprint To Safeguard EU Waters Report on 2009 River Basin Management Plans Report on 2009 River Basin Management Plans Report on 2009 River Basin Management Plans Report on 2009 River Basin Management Plans Report on 2009 River Basin Management Plans Report on 2009 River Basin Management Plans Review Water Scarcity & Droughts Strategy Review Water Scarcity & Droughts Strategy Review Water Scarcity & Droughts Strategy Review Water Scarcity & Droughts Strategy Review Water Scarcity & Droughts Strategy Climate Change Vulnerability & Adaptation Climate Change Vulnerability & Adaptation Climate Change Vulnerability & Adaptation

Assessment River Basin Management Plans: Some general preliminary findings A lot of effort put into preparation of the plans High uptake of the common framework and common language on water management provided by the WFD Integration of ecological perspective into water management Enhancement of international cooperation Public participation, stakeholder involvement Impressive improvement in the knowledge base All plans not submitted in 4 Member States Low ambition in many of the plans (extensive use of exemptions) Lack of concrete measures and expected achievements Lack of comparability in some issues (e.g. chemical status!) Dressing “business-as-usual” as WFD 5

Review water Scarcity and Droughts policy Communication 2007 and follow-up: Council conclusions - review & further develop WS&D policy by 2012 EP report – new initiatives incl. pilot projects preparatory actions Annual follow up reports GAP Analysis Overview of problem & existing measures Identification of gaps Proposal of new measures Assessment of Impact of new measures In-depth studies on: Water Supply Infrastructure Buildings Agriculture Indicators for water stress and water efficienct

Climate Change Vulnerability & Adaptation Thorough assessment of drivers of vulnerability and potential adaptation measures at EU level in the ClimWatAdapt project. Combination of 4 socio-economic and 11 regional climate scenarios On-going in-depth assessment of effectiveness of specific measures (natural water retention, water efficiency)

Fitness Check of EU Freshwater Policy Part of European Commission Smart Regulation policy Objective: Assess the relevance, coherence, effectiveness and efficiency of the EU freshwater policy Process:Scoping study, Stakeholder and Public consultation Scope Water Framework Directive Groundwater Directive Directive on Environmental Quality Standards (EQS) Urban Waste Water Directive Nitrates Directive Floods Directive + quantitative and adaptive water management issues, for which there is currently no legislation at EU level Most important issues: Improvements in implementation of EU water policy are required Need for a stronger legal basis for tackling the problems of water scarcity and droughts Ecosystem services not systematically addressed within water policy More coherence needed with the CAP, regional, renewable energy and transport policies Potential to enhance coherence with Chemical, pesticides, pharmaceuticals policies on issues such as risk assessment methods. Improved analysis of the costs and benefits of water protection measures is needed

Baseline, scenarios and indicative targets Water resource balances use of water by the different economic activities, and impacts indicative targets at EU level for reducing the vulnerability of water resources baseline scenario / sensitivity analysis optimisation model, measures affecting water availability and water use Environmental Constraints (E-flows) Linked to achievement Good Ecological Status (WFD) (natural) retention, efficiency, re-use Climate, land-use, demographic and socio-economic Scenarios

From Objectives to Policy Options Adressing Water Stress Target Setting Resilience to Extreme Events Unlocking measures Achievement Good Ecological Status Improving Implementation

Policy Options (1): Targets Targets for efficient water resources allocation including the basic needs for nature (environmental flows) and sectoral allocation Drought management instruments Support better management of water resources in third countries

Policy Options (2): Unlocking Measures: Focus on measures serving multiple benefits Unlocking barriers : Technical / Innovation Knowledge (costs, benefits and impacts of measures) Economic incentives Financial resources Regulations

Policy Options (2): Unlocking Measures: Support to Land-use measures (Natural water Retention) Improve water efficiency in building and water using appliances Address leakage in water infrastructure EU standards for waste water re-use Tackle metering / illegal abstraction Water pricing levels and structure to provide sufficient incentives to increase water efficiency Costs and benefits of inaction and of water related measures to be properly understood and quantified

Policy Options (3): Governance and Knowledge base Improve coordination in river basin shared between different administrative entities within Member States, between Member States and with third countries. Improve knowledge provision and accessibility

Next Steps 15/3 – 7/6: 12-weeks public consultation on Policy Options April: Publication Fitness Check Discussion options at 3rd EU Water Conference on 24-25 May November: Publication Blueprint