Disability Employment Initiative MYTHS Good Day This is your Disability Employment Initiative MYTHS Training ENJOY Click here to begin
Which of the following statements best describes what you, as a One-Stop staff member, should do when a job seeker with a disability that you are working with as part of an Integrated Resource Team (*an IRT that includes Vocational Rehabilitation) becomes employed? Play a game of thumb war with your VR counterpart to determine who “gets the point” Be the “bigger person” and accede the “point” to VR – Even though in your humble opinion you did much more to help this particular client, but WHATEVER… Use your superior knowledge gained through rigorous training on this issue and “share the point!”
“The Force” is not with you on this one.. We cannot condone the violence of a thumb war, no matter how high the entertainment value of such a spectacle might be. This is why we suggest you try again! When she’s not. Go Back
Nice Thought… However, you don’t have to give someone a point that you worked hard to earn. Think back to kindergarten, and what your teacher was always saying about sharing and try again!
CORRECT! Given the importance of performance measures for all service systems, it is critical that all organizations within a community understand that when co-enrolled customers reach employment goals, every agency involved in leveraging services and supports can report a successful outcome due to different funding streams. Everyone gets the point and most importantly, the customer secures employment! For more information check out DEI Myth #1. End Show