If chrome doesn’t work, use Internet Explorer Open up your laptops, go to MrHyatt.rocks, and do today’s bell work Questions of the week: Why does the moon look different at different times? Scale Scale Description 4 Through independent work beyond what was taught in class, students could (examples include, but are not limited to): research current and past earth and sun conditions. investigate causes and possible solutions for global climate change. compare and contrast the patterns in the organization and distribution of matter in the sun, earth, moon system. compare and contrast different solar events and their impact on earth. 3 understand how the motions of the sun, stars and planets as observed from Earth relate to the motions of the Earth and other planets in space. understand how the movement and position of Earth influences life on Earth. be able to differentiate between astronomy and astrology. 2 determine the meaning of symbols, key terms, and other astronomy specific words and phrases relating to the Earth, Sun and Moon illustrate the patterns of distribution of matter in the sun, earth, moon system. list the physical properties of the Earth, Sun and Moon. describe the key parts of the Earth, Sun and Moon System 1 show the patterns of distribution of matter in the sun, earth, moon system. select from a list the physical properties of the sun, earth and moon. list the key parts of the structure of earth, sun and moon. If chrome doesn’t work, use Internet Explorer
Homework! In your science journal ;) create profiles for sun, moon and earth (you should already have the moon information). Split your page into thirds…. Name Picture/sketch Size (radius in km and mi) Mass (in kg) Density (in g/cm3) Composition Temperature range 2 other facts
Some Words you need to know – Copy these down into your science journal These words are on the plastic papers on your desks Lunar (Synodic) Month – Sidereal Month – Occultation –
Movement of the Moon Sidereal (star referenced) revolution of the moon – 27.3 earth days (moon year) Rotation of the moon – 27.3 earth days (1 moon day) Synodic (sun referenced) revolution of the moon – 29.5 earth days *Also time it takes to go through phases Because the revolution of the moon is equal to the rotation of the moon when viewed from earth, we only ever see one side of the moon.
Please put everything away Computers Science Journals Backpacks Drinks Phones Please keep out: Pencils Lab Materials Maybe a calculator
Moon motion activity number 1 It is extremely important to read all directions to successfully complete this lab Please put ALL the supplies back in the little plastic bags when you are done – thank you. Also, the bags rip rather easily, please be careful Write your answers on the half page answer sheet provided Everybody turns in their own answer sheet – Due tomorrow! Work in groups of 2, not 3 or 4 Because you have to get out of your seat it doesn’t work well with large groups
If you were standing on the surface of the moon, and the sun was directly overhead, how long would it take the sun to get back to the same place directly over head? (or, more simply, how long is a day on the moon?) 24 hours 27.3 days 31 days 1 day 29.5 days Hint #1: Imagine you were standing on the dot Hint #2: Don’t forget that the Earth is revolving around the Sun as the Moon is revolving around the Earth Hint #3: Use the models in front of you to figure out the answer. You don’t have to do it in your head Please support your choice with an explanation of WHY that is the answer you chose