Face to Face GMU classroom 19 – 20 years old Focus Group #1 Our team selected focus groups for this round of user research because it is an effective means to get the feedback on users likes, dislikes and preferences. Purpose was to assess appeal of website layout and content and impact on user motivation to use the D& S website and to learn more about national finances Two sessions so that we could do iterative changes First session F2f Lower end of the age range Face to Face GMU classroom 19 – 20 years old
Focus Group # 1 – Home Page Reaction to the home page was generally positive Visually appealing Thought college bound was for future college students and they were in college They thought the options under the personas should be clickable And , users thought it would be helpful to put a mission statement at the top of the screen
Home page - First round of Revisions Based on that feedback, we were able to make the following changes for the next focus group
Second Level Page Again, the initial reaction was generally positive Appealing layout and article Didn’t realize that the Big picture was clickable and did not realize that it addressed this topic on a national level. Recommended that photos float right and that there should be a visual cue for the videos Because they didn’t understand multimedia
Revised Second Level Page Therefore we added a sub heading under the big picture regarding the article and added it as an option on the left hand menu We also moved the main video under inside the content box and added a screen shot of it so that it was more noticable
Facebook Page We were surprised that the users reported reduced use of facebook in general, There reaction to the D&S Facebook page was fairly positive but there seemed to be too many text options and it wasn’t organized clearly. They also did not realize that it was the D&S website and they thought that should be clearer and the link back to the website should be clearer.
Revised Facebook Page Hank revised the Facebook page so that the dollars and sense logo was visable with the mission statement. He added major topics and made the link back to the website more visable
There were some recommendation that were not incorporated for a variety of reasons such as too labor intensive, only one person recommended it or not enough time.