Meiosis Early prophase I Prophase I Metaphase I Anaphase I Telophase II Anaphase II Metaphase II Telophase I Meiosis Late telophase II
Independent assortment of chromosomes – homologous chromosomes line up on the equator independently, as a result all gametes are different
Crossing over – mixes the alleles of genes on homologous pairs of chromosomes
Meiosis increases variation by… Independently sorting one of each chromosome pair into each gamete. Gametes can therefore contain a wide variety of different combinations of alleles. Exchanging some alleles on the same chromosome with different alleles on the homologous chromosome by crossing over. These chiasmata produce further variation in the combination of alleles in gametes. Reduce the chromosome number in gametes enabling fertilisation to produce further mixing of alleles from parents in sexual reproduction.