Education, Audiovisual and Culture Executive Agency


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Presentation transcript:

Education, Audiovisual and Culture Executive Agency Jean Monnet Activities in Erasmus+ Programme APPLICATION and SELECTION PROCESS Education, Audiovisual and Culture Executive Agency Education, Audiovisual & Culture Executive Agency

Before starting the application Detailed consultation of the reference documents Call for Proposals 2. Erasmus+ Programme Guide, e-tutorials, FAQ, Information on PI funds Before starting your application please consult the relevant documents: Call for Proposals, Erasmus+ Programme Guide, E-Tutorials, FAQ and the Information on Partnership Instrument funds available on the EACEA webpage.

Before starting the application Applicants must have an EULogin (European Commission Authentication Service) account. If you already have an ECAS account, you may use it, otherwise create an ECAS account.

Participant Identification Code (PIC) – specific issues The applicant organisation (and for the Jean Monnet Networks – also the partner institutions involved) must be registered in the Participant Portal and receive a Participant Identification Code (PIC).

Participant Identification Code (PIC) – specific issues The applicants are required to use the same PIC for all their applications for EU funding The applicants should make sure that the PIC profile is complete Given that each applicant organisation should use only one PIC code, please first check with your legal representative's office whether such a PIC number has already been created for your organisation. If this is the case, you may use this PIC code to create your electronic application form. At application stage the PIC status can be either "Validated", "Declared" or "Sleeping". In case of double reference for one and the same organisation, the "Validated" PIC should always be considered.

Application process Instructions for completing the application package and an eForm User Guide are published on the EACEA website. Instructions for completing the application package are published on the website under the tab 'How to apply'. Under the tab 'eForm' you will find a detailed step-by-step Guide on how to complete the eForm. Applicants will find here all the technical instructions necessary to completing the eForm and the contact details of the Helpdesk where further assistance can be sought if necessary. Applicants should refer to both documents in addition to the Call for Proposals and the Programme Guide, when Preparing their application.

NB: No paper copy is required Application process The application package is composed of the eForm and three compulsory annexes: Detailed Project Description Budget Form Declaration of Honour - Fill in the eForm, and complete and attach the compulsory annexes. - Validate the eForm. - Automatic check: If form is complete it can be submitted online. - Successful submission  confirmation email and reference number. NB: No paper copy is required All sections of the eForm must be completed. Once the applicant has completed the eForm and attached the annexes, the eForm should be validated. This triggers an automatic check that informs the applicant whether or not the application form is complete. If it is complete it can be submitted online. When the application is successfully submitted, the system generates a confirmation email and a project reference number. Applicants that do not receive confirmation should contact the Helpdesk before the deadline 23 February 2017 at 12:00. Applicants must pay attention to the correct uploading of the attachments.

1) Complete the eForm Part A. Applicant organisation (and partners for Networks only) Most details automatically retrieved from the Participant Portal ECHE to be verified Part B. Major information about the project: summary, priorities and topics addressed, duration, budget Part C. Specific information: discipline, number of teaching hours, students, etc. Part A presents details on the applicant organisation. Most of this section is completed with data retrieved from the Participant Portal. Applicants should take care to verify the data and for those concerned, to check the Erasmus Charter for Higher Education (section A.1) as this is obligatory for HEIs in Programme countries. Applicants should note that the "contact person" referred to in the e-Form (A.2) refers to the academic coordinator, responsible for leading the proposed activities, and in the case of Chairs and Modules, responsible for the delivery of the teaching programme. Institutions often make the mistake of providing the name of an administrative staff member here rather than the name of the principal academic, which creates problems later if the proposal is successful. At A.3 the applicant should indicate the legal representative i.e. the person who will sign the Grant agreement with the Agency in the case of a successful proposal. The same person must sign the Declaration of Honour. Part B and C present a summary of the principal characteristics of the proposal and more specific data on student numbers, annual teaching hours, specific target groups (recent PhD holders, primary and secondary schools).

Annex I Description of the project Part D. Characteristics and relevance: Rationale for the proposal, relevance to the objectives of the Action, relevance to target groups Part E. Participating organisations – teams: Aims and activities of the organisation, skills and expertise of key staff (publications, teaching) Part F. Design and implementation of the proposal: Work programme, methodology, time schedule Part G. Impact, dissemination and exploitation Part H. Curriculum Vitae and full list of publications Annex I consists of the Detailed Project Description form. It provides the main body of information on the project team and the academic content and methodology of the proposal. Applicants should take care to provide ALL the information requested, keeping in mind the award criteria, described in the Erasmus+ Programme Guide.

Annex II Budget table 3 forms depending on the Action type: Modules & Chairs - Flat-rate financing: Indicate number of teaching hours planned Top-up percentage added for complementary activities Total budget and EU grant calculated automatically Projects - Flat-rate financing: Indicate number of events, participants and speakers Centres of Excellence, Associations, Networks – Budget-based financing: Indicate all expenses planned by costs categories (staff, travel and subsistence, subcontracting, equipment, other costs, indirect costs) Annex II, consists of the Budget table. There are 3 different budget forms depending on the Action type applied for and applicants should make sure to select the correct form: there are two Flat-rate funding forms, one for Chairs and Module and one for Projects and one budget-based funding form. For action types supported by the flat-rate funding system, the budget form is essentially a grant calculator. Applicants should select the country from the drop down menu and to indicate the number of teaching hours (for Chairs and Modules) or participants (for Projects). It is important that the information provided in the budget table is coherent with the information provided in both the eForm and the Detailed Project Description (Section F). For action types supported by the budget based funding system, the budget table is set out according to cost categories. A list of eligible costs is set out in the Programme Guide under each Action type concerned.

Annex III Declaration of Honour To be signed by the legal representative To include the name of the action To indicate the exact amount of the grant requested in EURO Annex III concerns the Declaration of Honour. The Declaration of Honour must be signed by the legal representative of the applicant institution as indicated on the eForm. The Declaration should indicate the exact title of the project. The amount indicated should be coherent with the amount included in the application form and the budget form and should indicate the exact amount of the grant requested and NOT the total project costs. Applicants should also be aware that if in the Declaration on Honour the amount is less than the grant request, the Agency will be obliged to take into account the indicated amount in the Declaration on Honour.

What happens once the application is submitted? Exclusion and selection criteria Award criteria All applications received by the Executive Agency undergo an evaluation procedure. Eligibility of the applicant: formal submission requirements (type of institution, duration, grant size, partnership requirement, ECHE etc.) verified by the Agency. Exclusion and selection criteria: The institution is not in one of the situations (such as bankruptcy, professional misconduct, subject of fraud, corruption, administrative penalties, conflict of interest, etc.) Legal person status of the applicant organisation Financial capacity to complete the proposed activities (private entities only) Operational capacity to complete the proposed activities 3. Award criteria: A quality assessment is carried out by a panel of independent academic experts, resulting in a ranking list of proposals. The submission of the compulsory annexes using the official templates is essential. During the evaluation exercise independent experts assess the proposals against the four published award criteria. In order to provide a fair and full assessment of the application and to ensure equal treatment of all applicants experts must be in a position to assess the proposals on the basis of the same information presented in the same format. Every year proposals are excluded from the evaluation exercise because the compulsory annexes are not submitted using the official templates and do not provide the required elements.

1. Relevance of the project Award criteria 1. Relevance of the project OBJECTIVES PRIORITIES AND ADDED VALUE TARGET GROUPS The four Award criteria are given here with the main indicators. Further detail on what is expected under each criterion for each Action type is provided in the Erasmus+ Programme Guide. The maximum points for each award criterion is 25. To be considered for funding, proposals must score at least 60 points. Furthermore, they must score at least 13 points in each of the categories of award criteria. For example, for the first award criterion given here, "Relevance of the project", one indicator is the relevance of the proposal to the priority target groups including institutions in countries not yet covered by the programme. This one is highlighted in particular as it is one of the priorities of the programme and is sometimes overlooked. It is therefore important to look at the Programme Guide for more precision on what is sought under each criterion.

2. Quality of the project design Award criteria 2. Quality of the project design QUALITY OF WORK PROGRAMME CONSISTENCE BETWEEN OBJECTIVES AND ACTIVITIES ADN BUDGET FEASIBILITY On the "Quality of the project design", the work programme should be carefully presented and describe phases for the preparation, implementation and follow-up of the proposed activities as well as presenting a clear methodology. Overall, the themes addressed should respond to those targeted by the Jean Monnet activities as defined by the Programme Guide where a clear definition of what is meant by European Studies and the core subject areas are set out.

3. Quality of the project TEAM Award criteria 3. Quality of the project TEAM PERTINENCE OF PROFILE RELEVANT EXPERIENCE For "Quality of the project team", the pertinence of the profiles and relevant experience of key staff members in EU studies and to the subject matter of the proposal is paramount. Please be aware that for those applicant institutions applying with staff with limited academic expertise in the domain of EU studies, namely institutions outside the EU and its neighbouring countries where EU studies is perhaps not yet a permanent feature of the curriculum and where staff do not have the same level of experience as those from institutions with a longstanding background in EU studies, advice to applicants is to try to involve external experts from other institutions/countries in the proposed activities in order to ensure that the project team as a whole provides the required profile.

4. IMPACT AND DISSEMINATION Award criteria 4. IMPACT AND DISSEMINATION IMPACT DISSEMINATION What is looked for under the Award criterion "Impact and dissemination" is the potential impact of the proposed activities inside and outside the applicant institution, the provisions set up to measure the outcomes and to disseminate the results. This may also include measures for promoting the results in a systematic way, the organisation of promotional events for the general public etc.

Coherence and feasibility Priorities and objectives Activities Impact The applicant has to demonstrate coherence between the project objectives, the activities proposed and the results planned. Each of the objectives should be addressed by appropriate and feasible activities. The activities should be designed in a way so to provide for the completion of the planned results and the achievement of an impact and the target groups should be carefully selected. It is essential when completing an application that there is coherence across the 4 application documents (eForm, Detailed Project Description, Budget table and Declaration of Honour). From a quantitative point of view, this is particularly important for those activities supported by the flat-rate funding system (Chairs, Modules and Projects), where the grant award for successful application is calculated according to the number of teaching hours (Chairs/Modules) and the number of participants (projects): the number of hour or participants should be coherent across the application forms. From a qualitative point of view, applicants presenting a proposal that addresses a particular aspect of the European integration process, for example, should ensure that the key staff profiles demonstrate an appropriate experience and publication record in that particular field.

What happens once the application is submitted? Selection Process The best proposals are selected for funding All candidates are informed, and results are published Grant Agreements/Decisions are prepared for successful proposals Start of the projects 1 September of the year of application Taking into account the opinion of the panel of independent experts and the political priorities of the Programme, the best proposals are selected for funding. The results are published online and contracts drawn up in the month that follows. The new projects start on 1 September of the selection year.

Application and Selection procedure Indicative roadmap for selection process Steps Date Publication Erasmus+ Jean Monnet Call for proposals 20 October 2016 Deadline for submission of applications 23 February 2017 at 12:00 Verification of eligibility of project proposals February – March 2017 Evaluation Committee for selection of projects July 2017 Award decision by Agency AO Notification of applicants and publication of results Preparation of Grand Agreements/Decisions August – September 2017 Start of projects 1 September 2017

More information – Jean Monnet Erasmus+ Programme Guide and 2017 General Call for proposals: Jean Monnet Activities: Funding - Jean Monnet Activities within Erasmus+: Jean Monnet Directory: Jean Monnet selection results: Jean Monnet Cluster 2016: Good practices in the context of 'A Union of shared values – The role of Education & Civil Society' Erasmus+ Project Results – Jean Monnet: Erasmus+ platform for dissemination and exploitation of project results Mailbox Jean Monnet: