My digital footprint By aubrey sparvier
How might YOUR digital footprint affect your future opportunities? Your digital footprint can affect if you get into your dream college or university or not. If you post something that might not be appropriate online, colleges and universities can search your name online and find what you have posted. Your digital footprint can also affect what kind of job that you get. If your employer finds something that you posted online, like if you said you were sick and took the day off but went to a concert/party, they might not let you stay. Also, it could affect your job before you have it, like if you don’t get into a good schoolmfor that job.
Describe at least 3 strategies that you can use to keep your digital footprint appropriate and safe. One thing that you can do is just to be careful of what you post on social media and make sure its appropriate. Another thing you can do is make sure you don’t share any personal information about yourself or others. To keep you safe, you should set all your social media accounts to private so you can keep track of who is following you and who can see your pictures or posts.
What information did you learn that you would pass on to other students? How would you go about telling them? I would tell other students that everything that they post online will always stay on the internet somewhere and that they should be careful of what they post. I would also tell them to be careful of what they post and to make sure their social media accounts are on private. I would probably tell them in a conversation where technology comes up.