Mark Du Ass. Professor 13870087708 Introduction Mark Du Ass. Professor 13870087708
Self Introduction Jiangxi Normal University Jiangxi University of Finance and Economics Shanghai International Studies University Waikato University in New Zealand HEC in Paris, France MBA program by JUFE-NYIT Kajaani University of Applied Science in Finland
Text and References Text Book References Cateora and Graham INTERNATIONAL MARKETING, 16th ed,中国人民大学出版社,2013年6月 第1版 References Philip Kotler, Gary Armstrong, Principles of Marketing 9th Ed, 2001, Prentice Hall Philip Kotler, Marketing Management 10th Ed,2000, Prentice Hall Michael E. Porter, Competitive Advantage, 1998, the Free Press Michael E. Porter, Competitive Strategy, 1998, the Free Press
Evaluation Class Performance—10% Homework Assignment—30% Attendance 8% + Performance 2% Homework Assignment—30% Online Assignment (4)(Individual) 10% Or an essay ( 4 pages) Do both and you will get 5% bonus Market Research Report (Team work) 20% Final Exam-- 60%
Teaching Schedule WK1 WK2 WK3 Introduction Chap01 Scope and challenge of international marketing WK2 Global Environment of Inter’l Marketing History and Geography: Foundation of Culture WK3 Cultural Dynamics in Assessing Global Markets Culture, Management Style and Business Systems
Teaching Schedule WK4 WK5 WK6 The Political Environment The International Legal Environment WK5 Developing a Global Vision through Marketing Research (Part One) (How to write a PLan on Market Research) WK6 Developing a Global Vision through Marketing Research (Part Two) (How to Design a Questionnaire)
Teaching Schedule WK7 WK8 WK9 Global Marketing Management: Planning and Organization (How to Prepare for Market Research) WK8 (Practice Market Research) WK9 Products and Services for Consumers (How to Write a Report on Market Research)
Teaching Schedule WK10 WK11 WK12 WK13 Presentation on Market Research Products and Services for Businesses WK12 International Marketing Channels WK13 Integrated Marketing
Teaching Schedule WK14 WK15 WK16 WK17 WK18 – WK20 Personal Selling and Sales Management WK15 Pricing for International Markets WK16 Case Study WK17 Revision WK18 – WK20 End of Class and Final Exam