Outline Background Scope Energy Distribution Project statue Project Cost Challenges
Background The purpose of the project is to supply clean energy at a competitive rate with a view to reducing energy deficits in Senegal, The Gambia, Guinea and Guinea-Bissau. The project will provide OMVG members States with a total installed capacity of 368 MW as well as 1,348 GWh of cheaper renewable energy per year, i.e. about 12.55% of their electric energy needs in 2020.
Background Cont. It represents a building block in the power industry at the regional level and will contribute to the establishment of a vital regional power market through the gradual integration of isolated national grids into the WAPP’s unified regional interconnection system (the OMVG project is listed among WAPP priority projects).
Background Cont. This project once realized will enable the Gambia achieve Energy security and stability through; Access to Energy from the OMVG dams (Kaleta 240MW , Suapiti 450MW and Sambangalou 128MW); and Energy from WAPP member States since it will allow us to be connected to the West Africa Power Pool Transmission Network.
Background Cont. The OMVG interconnection network, with an 800 MW transmission capacity, will be linked to the CLSG (Cote d’Ivoire-Liberia-Sierra Leone-Guinea) network as well as to that of the OMVS (Senegal River Basin Development Organisation). This infrastructure will minimize power transmission costs of other potential hydroelectric sites of regional interest situated mainly in Guinea and hence promote their development.
Scope Interconnection Lines The OMVG interconnection network will comprise the following structures: the 225 kV interconnection line, with transit capacity of 800 MW looped over 1,677 km connecting the power grid of the OMVG Member States (1,453 km with a simple three-phase circuit with conductor cross-section of 2x570 mm² made from aluminium alloy (AAAC), a 35-km double three-phase circuit with conductor cross-section of 2x570 mm² made from aluminium alloy (AAAC)
OMVG Interconnection Line
Scope Cont. Interconnection Lines a 189-km double three-phase circuit with conductor cross-section of 2x228 mm², Angle Tower shall cover a ground area of 10x10m while aligned towers will cover a ground area 0f 6x6m and one of the ground wires will be fitted with fibre optics) , a right of way area extending 20m on each side, with no trees and housing. Is to be set up along the line.
Scope Cont. Soma Substation The Soma substation is essentially a distribution substation connected to the 225 KV loop. Two 225/30KV power transformers, at a capacity of 15 MVA each. It also serves to feed by antenna, the Brikama substation through a double circuit line of which only one circuit is used at a time, the second serving as a standby link.
Scope Cont. Brikama Substation The Brikama substation is essentially a distribution substation antenna fed from the Soma substation. The supply at 225 KV is provided by a double circuit line of a length of about 161 Km. Two 225/30 KV power transformers, of a capacity of 75 MVA each for the distribution
Scope Cont. Brikama Substation It is to be noted however, that the two circuits will never be operated in parallel. Only one circuit is used, whereas that other is in reserve in case of a failure or a mechanical breakdown on the circuit in use.
Distribution of Power from the Sambangalou Dam [14] % for Guinea Bissau ; [20] % for Guinea; [18] % for the Gambia; and [48]% for Senegal
Distribution of Power from the Kaléta Dam [4] % for Guinea Bissau; [70] % for Guinea; [6] % for the Gambia; and [20]% for Senegal.
Breakdown of power per Country(MW) Kaleta Sambangalou Suapiti Total The Gambia 14 23 33 70 Guinea 42+126 26 N/A 194 Guinea Bissau 10 18 28 Senegal 48 61 109
Project statues Works on the Kaleta Dam was completed and commissioned in September 2015 Negotiation and Signing of Contracts for Lines The total number of contracts for the lines and sub-stations, totaling 16 contracts, is now signed. The last dispatch and SCADA contract awarded to Siemens SA / NV was signed on 29/05/2017.
Project statues LOT L6a - 225 kV ENERGY TRANSPORT TANAFF – SOMA LINES Donor: IDA/WB Builder: KEC International Limited Total Amount in EUR: 15 608 020,12 Budgeted amount in EUR: 18 527 257,83 Gain in relation to the budget: 2 919 237,71 in %: 15,76% Percentage in advance: 10,00% In the amount of EUR: 1 560 802,01 Signature date: 8-03-2017 Preparation of Tower Tests and FAT Environmental and social aspects: LIDAR: Overview completed
Project statues Cont. LOT L6b - 225 kV ENERGY TRANSPORT SOMA – BIRKELANE LINES Donor: KfW Builder: KEC International Limit Total Amount in EUR: 14 648 139,73 Budgeted amount in EUR: 16 249 506,32 Gain in relation to the budget: 1 601 366,59 in %: 9,85% Percentage in advance: 20,00% In the amount of EUR: 2 929 627,95 Signature date: 8-03-2017 Preparation of Tower Tests and FAT Environmental and social aspects: LIDAR: Overview completed
Project statues Cont. LOT L7 - 225 kV ENERGY TRANSPORT SOMA – BRIKAMA LINES Donor: IDA/WB Builder: VINCI ENERGIES and CEGELEC Total Amount in EUR: 22 154 581,52 Budgeted amount in EUR: 28 739 116,19 Gain in relation to the budget: 6 584 534,67 in %: 22,91% Percentage in advance: 10,00% In the amount of EUR: 2 215 458,15 Signature date: 9-03-2017 Environmental and social aspects: LIDAR: Overview completed
Project statues Cont. LOT P2 - SOMA AND BRIKAMA STATIONS Donor: KFAED Builder: EIFFAGE ENERGIE / ELECNOR Total Amount in EUR: 16 133 111,27 Budgeted amount in EUR: 19 190 000,00 Gain in relation to the budget: 3 056 888,73 in %: 15,93% Percentage in advance: 20,00% In the amount of EUR: 3 226 622,25 Environmental and social aspects: LIDAR: Overview completed
Breakdown of Cost for the Gambia Component Sub component Cost estimates Donor Line Gambia Backbone $43,123,432 World Bank Tanaf-Soma (Gambia Section) $1,484,234 Soma-Birkelane $6,301,143 KFW Total lines $50,908,810 Sub-stations Soma $13,531,904 Kuwaiti fund Brikama $26,177,140 Total Substations $77,085,810
Project implementation schedule The Sambangalou dam project is currently in the resource mobilization stage and funds are being sought for the construction following the signing with VINCI/ANDRITZ HYDRO consortium for the construction within a period of 42 months. For the Interconnection Line, Contractors are now on the ground mobilising for the start of works. Vinci will the doing the Transmission line( Brikama to Soma) while Eiffage will built the two substations (Brikama and Soma Substations). Works to start soon for a period of 18 months.