American Federal Government Introductory Themes American Political Culture
Introductory Themes and American Political Culture Political Power Authority Legitimacy
Conceptions of Democracy Democratic Centralism Direct Democracy Representative Democracy popular sovereignty citizen demands and government action participation deliberation majority rule
Majority Rule: Good or Bad? No guarantee of good decisions Majority tyranny can threaten minorities Apathy toward politics
Who Really Governs? Different approaches Marxist Elitist Bureaucratic Pluralist
Political Culture Definition A basic set of shared values, attitudes and beliefs that differentiate Americans from citizens of other countries
Myths about the Founding of the American Republic British as tyrranical All the colonists favored independence Colonists were militarily superior American Revolution as a symbol of freedom for the world Constitution was divinely inspired
Characteristics of American Political Culture Equality of opportunity, not outcome Individual responsibility Mistrust of government & governmental power Limited government Religion and faith Providence, abundance, and Manifest Destiny Associationalism and civic duty Greater inclusion of “out-groups”?
American Political Culture Compared High confidence in political institutions Lower confidence in people running political institutions Religiosity Declining sense of political efficacy
Confidence in Institutions: America and Europe Compared
Confidence in People Running American Institutions
Religiosity: The United States Compared (World Values Study, 1990s)
Religion is Important in My Life (Associated Press/IPSOS Poll, Summer 2005)
Religious Leaders Should/Should Not Try to Influence Government Decisions (Associated Press/IPSOS Poll, Summer 2005)
Population of the US by Race and Ethnicity (Census Bureau)
Population Change in the US 1980-2000
Changes in U.S. Occupational Structure
Changes in Where We Live
Race & Ethnicity Blacks/African-Americans Latinos/Hispanics migration, political protest, civil rights issue divisions Latinos/Hispanics diversity as a group low political mobilization exception? South Florida
Race & Ethnicity Asian Americans Native Americans recent immigration considerably diverse group issue foci Native Americans scattering of distinct cultures conquered nations, poverty, and protest new economic development: casino gambling
1996 Presidential Vote by Ethnicity
2000 Presidential Vote by Ethnicity
Class in American Politics? Most Americans believe they are in the middle class What is the definition? Gingrich vs. Clinton Tolerance for income inequality
Income Distribution: The U.S. Compared
Gender in American Politics The Gender Gap a distinctive pattern of voting behavior reflecting differences in views between men and women Example: --> Sexual Harassment in the workplace 24% of men say it is a serious problem 38% of women say it is a serious problem (ICPSR /ANES 1992 pre/post election surveys)
Gender Gap in Voting: 1992/96 Vote for Clinton
Gender Gap in Voting: 2000 Election, Gore/Bush
Religion in American Politics Secularism and protest Values, culture, and moral issues abortion Rise or Demise of the Christian Right? The GOP connection
Membership in the Christian Coalition, 1989-95
Ideology: Moderates Carry the Day