St Louis Community College Going Green for real Presented at MCCA Conference 5 November 09 Peggy Moody, Ph.D., District-wide Sustainability Coordinator
Projects Across the College Paper Reduction Efforts Energy Efficiency Energy Audit (GHG inventory) Professional Development Community outreach
Already Green STLCC has been going paperless Online registration and catalogs Direct deposit for employees and electronic payment to contractors Board Agendas and Policy and Procedures are available electronically Instructors using BlackBoard for syllabi, educational materials, and online testing (web classes)
Rethinking Paper Despite good efforts of using paper with 30% recycled content, we are burning through 28 million sheets of 8x10 per year Paper audit to change, we must know where and how we use paper as our IKON copy rep said, Where there is mystery, there is margin. –Student Labs? –Faculty? –Administration?
Using Less Paper Raising awarenesscreating options for using less paper – Assessing how we use paper for our work Student paperscan they be submitted on line? Faculty handouts and testingcan more faculty use Blackboard? Administrationcan we handle job applications electronically? Have bids into engineering via CAD?
Changing Paper Behaviors Training to use electronic tools like Blackboard and shareware like OneNote or Illuminate Having assistance from copier contractors to install pop-up suggestions to print with the most conservation (central copiers vs desk-tops) Trying out new strategies for ONE MONTH to see if habits to print can be changed
Making It Real Each season, employees and students submit their image for the posters, thus engaging users in this paper conservation effort. One strategy Please consider me before you copy and print.
Energy Efficiency STLCC is nearing a 50 year history in conservation. Long before LEED strategies were common practice, the college was: weatherizing buildings; installing CFL lighting, room occupancy sensors and water sensors in bathrooms replaced boilers, cooling towers, and chillers replaced roofs with white surfaces
Making Efficiency Real Before Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design(LEED)-- South County University and Education Center –Natural lighting from the architectural design helps cut electricity, as well as providing a sense of wellness with views to nature. –Ventilation allows for more access to outdoors, rather than artificial heating and cooling. –Technology uses Energy Star
Even More Real Gold LEED Buildings: Wildwood (as per President McIntyers presentation) Harrison Center Silver LEED: The Bio-Research, Development and Growth (BRDG) Park at the Donald Danforth Plant Science Centerbuilding to be shared with other companies
Green House Gas (GHG) Energy Audit President Marcia Pfieffer, at the Florissant Valley campus, signed the Association for the Advancement of Sustainability in Higher Education (AASHE) Presidents Climate Commitment in October, 2008.
Making It Real This semester at FV, a carbon assessment is underway involving facilities staff, the campus sustainability committee, and students measuring: –direct emissions, –emissions from purchased sources, –emissions associated with travel.
More Carbon-Free For Real Two campuses now use GEM electric cars. –Wildwood Grounds Crew and –Florissant Valley Police use their cars Biofuel exploration Florissant Valley is converting kitchen oil waste to power their lawnmowers One district-wide hauler for Recycling program
Professional Development Center for Teaching and Learning – Visioning sessions identifying sustainability as one of 4 LT goals – Green building: one womans journey Professional Development Day – It is easy being green (07) – Presentations on using Wildwood as a learning lab; Fair Trade; OneNote and Illuminate as paperless meeting strategies; green presence on our website (09)
Future Collaboration Partnering with St. Louis County Health Dept for Recycling luncheons St Louis University Water Matters spring 2010
Community Outreach Steve Long for WCDRCGA presentation (9/09) –job development via collaborations and partnering with USGBC as a provider of green building courses – ing-of-stlcc/green ing-of-stlcc/green Green Homes Festival (STLCC as Silver Sponsors) Crowder College visit (10/09) learning about alternative energy curriculum
Green Learning For Real At FV Green fairsPhi Theta Kapa students raise awareness via consumer consequences tool umerconsequences/ At MeramecEco-lition student group- Oct 26th & 27th held Environmental Activism Days creating a sculpture that represents the needs of the environment, both built and natural. Special School District graduates work as our Recycling Technicians
Going Green is a Journey Moving towards alternative energies Moving toward integrated green jobs training and curriculum Continuing collaborations with regional partners MEASURING our environmental impact Sharing our successes
Our commitment St. Louis Community College considers environmental stewardship an integral part of our mission to expand minds and change lives. We are committed to assisting our region in fostering awareness and development of a growing green economy and society by incorporating sustainability concepts into our academic and business practices.