Section 3- Vocabulary Oligarchy- Political Power held by a small group of people Phalanx- Formation of heavily-armed foot soldiers who moved together as a unit Tyrannies- Governments run by a strong ruler Democracy- Means “Rule by the people” Citizenship- Membership in a community Direct democracy- Political system in which citizens participate directly in decision making Representative democracy- Citizens elect others to represent them in government
Democracy in Athens Oligarchies- Headed by a counsel of leaders One law-giver named Draco created a code with harsh punishments Tyranny- Tyrants were usually members of aristocracy Won popular support by offering land and benefits to the poor They were not always harsh or cruel Did not allow anyone else to participate in government decisions Some were harsh and others could not fulfill their promises so other forms of government began to seem appealing
Phalanx Soldiers New formation, better defense Could be as deep as eight lines Each man’s shield was positioned to protect their neighbor This created a sense of unity Aristocrats were the most important soldiers With the phalanx, soldiers did not have to be rich enough to buy and maintain a horse
Power of the People Democracy- “rule by the people” Large numbers of male citizens began to participate in government 594 B.C. Solon lead the polis in Athens, reforming the courts and ending slavery for debt repayment and gave some rights to non- aristocratic men… leading to the beginnings of democracy 508 B.C. Cleisthenes gained power in Athens Reduced power of the rich Increased number of voters by including lower class males in votes Created an assembly to make decisions for the polis 450’s B.C. Pericles Payed citizens for civil service (like jury duty) Citizenship- is a membership in a community and gives people rights and responsibilities
Athenian Democracy- TB pg. 262
Democracy Direct Democracy- citizens directly partake in decision making Representative Democracy – citizens elect others to represent them in government *Remind you of anything????