Purpose & Types of Governments
What is the purpose of government? Warm Up: What is the purpose of government?
FUNCTIONS OF GOVERNMENT: Protect People from each other and outsiders Individual rights and liberties Provide public goods and services Parks, monuments, environmental regulations, anti-monopoly policies, commerce, welfare, medical, etc…
TWOVERSIONS OF THE “SOCIAL CONTRACT THEORY” THOMAS HOBBES “Every man is against every man… and the life of man is solitary, poor, nasty, brutish, and short.” SO, give power to a KING to… Enforce Laws Punish Criminals Defend people from invasion **SOME RIGHTS HAVE TO GO IN ORDER TO HAVE LAW AND ORDER.
John Locke “Life, liberty, and the enjoyment of personal property” GOVERNMENT EXISTS TO GUARANTEE PEOPLE’S “NATURAL RIGHTS” Power to the People **NO RESTRICTIONS ON CITIZENS WITHOUT THEIR CONSENT.
Types of (government) Rule: Democracy rule by many Oligarchy rule by few Autocracy rule by one
Classification of Political Systems Anarchy Absence of government Theocracy Control of governance by a religion, church and/or clergy. Church law above civil law (Iran) Pure (direct) Democracy Direct citizen participation in daily governance (ancient Athens, colonial New England town meetings) Representative Democracy – REPUBLICANISM Election of government officials to manage the state (USA, many others)
Types of Governments Continued: Absolute Monarchy Government by a monarch with absolute power descending from God (absolutism in Europe, Louis XIV) Constitutional Monarchy Government by a monarch with a constitution, limited monarchy (Great Britain and Denmark today) Dictatorship Single leader rule by force, no consent of the governed at all (USSR under Stalin, IRAQ under Saddam Hussein)
Elements of Democracy
Functioning civil institutions Police fire dept education
Free press freedom to share information
Educated middle class promotes conditions that lead to growth & prosperity
open economic system Trade all can participate
increased prosperity ability to improve economic growth
Free elections open to all no corruption
Pluralism multi-class system & ability to changes class status
Respect for law for the will of the people and the Constitution
Independent judicial branch courts not run by lawmakers
Rule of Law no one is above the law…even the govt!
Freedom from oppression balance of power provision of civil rights