Fractions, Decimals, and Percents Ms. King Math 7 Review
A Quick Review Fractions, decimals, and percents are all parts of a whole. They are also related and can be converted back and forth. 1 0% .25 25% .50 50% .75 75% 1 100%
Decimals Decimals are like fractions because they also represent parts of a whole, however, decimals use the base ten system by place value. The place is named by the furthest right number. tenths, hundredths, thousandths, ten thousandths, hundred thousandths……. 0.1 is said “one tenth” because the furthest right number is in the tenth place. 0.17 is said “seventeen hundredths” for the same reason, How would we say 0.83 “Eighty-three hundredths” How would we say 0.015? “fifteen thousandths,”
Converting decimals to fractions Converting decimals to fractions is easy because all we have to do is read the decimal and it sounds the same as when we read the fraction. We read 0.3 as “three tenths.” which is 0.41 is read “forty-one hundredths.”
.07 .13 .3 .107
Fractions in base 10 Fractions in base 10 (denominator 10, 100, 1000……..) are easy because they are also read the same way as decimals
Say it and Write it
Converting Fractions to Decimals If the fraction has a denominator in base ten (10, 100, 1,000 etc.) It works the same way. is 0.07 both are read “seven hundredths.” If the fraction does not have a base ten denominator, you must use long division until you get a repeating or terminating decimal.
Dividing out a Fraction When dividing the fraction, it is important to make sure you have the right number “in the house,” or inside the division symbol house house basement
Dividing out a Fraction When dividing the fraction, it is important to make sure you have the right number “in the house.” or inside the division symbol house house basement
Let’s Try a Few Convert 0.49 to a fraction Convert .083 to a fraction Convert to a decimal
Let’s Try a Few Convert 0.49 to a fraction Convert .083 to a fraction Convert to a decimal
These are called terminating decimals A terminating decimal ends
A Repeating Decimal Ummmmmm it repeats. Use a bar to show it repeats
Quick Check!!!! 1) convert 0.16 to a fraction 2) convert to a decimal
Converting Numbers into Percents When you have a fraction with a denominator in base 10 (10, 100, 1,000), numbers can be easily converted into percents. The word percent literally means per hundred. means you have 40 per hundred or 40% How could we easily find what percent is?
Converting Decimals to Percents Lucky for us, decimals are ALL in base ten. 0.72 means 72 per hundred or 72%. What happens if we have 0.851 How many hundredths are there? The left over is just a decimal An easy rule for converting decimals to percents is to simply move the decimal 2 places right. 85 85.1%
Let’s Try Some
Percents to Decimals and Fractions To convert a percent to a decimal, we do the reverse. Instead of moving the decimal 2 places right, we move it 2 places left and drop the % sign.
Try One on Your Own Convert 27% into a decimal Now convert 0.27 into a fraction
Closure How do you convert a decimal to a fraction? How do you convert a fraction to a decimal? How do you convert a decimal to a percent? How do you convert a percent to a decimal? Write it as it is read Long divide Move the decimal right 2 places Move the decimal left 2 places