Links between Mission Statement, PEO, PO and CO


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Presentation transcript:

Links between Mission Statement, PEO, PO and CO Presentation on Links between Mission Statement, PEO, PO and CO 19 April 2019 Col Masud

Intro Comments - ABETE, Washington Accord, Dublin Accord, Sydney Accord – all are business !!! Only few days back, Malaysians used to come to Bangladesh for Engineering studies, now do we really need to learn from them? Newton’s 1st Law: An object will remain at rest or in uniform motion in a straight line unless acted upon by an external force. 19 April 2019 Col Masud

Intro Why to adapt OBE system? Auditing system. Best practices are incorporated and measureable. Produce graduates that can perform both academically and professionally. Increased acceptability of graduates. Assessment is more objective and fair, the assessment criteria is predetermined. Promotes acquisition of specific skills. 19 April 2019 Col Masud

Intro No expert opinion. Based on perception. 19 April 2019 Col Masud

Aim To share personal understanding on links between Mission Statement, PEO, PO and CO. 19 April 2019 Col Masud

General Relation Vision and Mission Statement of the Institute Vision and Mission Statement of the Department Program Educational Objectives (PEOs) Program Outcomes (POs) Course Outcomes (COs) 19 April 2019 Col Masud

Vision Statement It is a declaration of an organization’s objectives, ideally based on economic foresight, intended to guide its internal decision-making. A description of what an organization would like to achieve or accomplish in the mid-term or long-term future. Intended to serve as a clear guide for choosing current and future courses of action. 19 April 2019 Col Masud

Vision Statement MIST To be a ‘centre of excellence’ for providing quality education in the field of science, engineering and technology and conduct research to meet the national and global challenges. 19 April 2019 Col Masud

Vision Statement MIST Department of Civil Engineering To be a ‘centre of excellence’ for providing quality education in the field of science, engineering and technology and conduct research to meet the national and global challenges. Department of Civil Engineering To become a recognized leader in producing highly competent civil engineers by imparting quality education, promoting useful research and striving to induce social responsibilities, ethical values and leadership to enhance quality of life for people of the nation and the world. 19 April 2019 Col Masud

Mission Statement Is a short statement of an organization’s purpose, identifying the scope of its operations. The purpose is to focus and direct the organization itself. Communicates primarily to the people who make up the organization—its members or employees—giving them a shared understanding of the organization’s intended direction. Is not simply a description of an organization by an external party, but an expression, made by its leaders, of their desires and intent for the organization. 19 April 2019 Col Masud

Mission of MIST Provide comprehensive education and conduct research in diverse disciplines of science, engineering, technology and engineering management. Produce technologically advanced intellectual leaders and professionals with high moral and ethical values to meet the socio- economic development of Bangladesh and global needs. Conduct collaborative research activities with national and international communities for continuous interaction with academia and industry.   Provide consultancy, advisory, testing and other related services to government, non-government and autonomous organization including personal for widening practical knowledge and to contribute in sustainable development of the society. 19 April 2019 Col Masud

Mission of Department of Civil Engineering To provide a high quality learning environment for students in both undergraduate and postgraduate levels through a broad-based, rigorous curriculum, emphasizing theoretical and practical concepts to gain fundamental and specialized engineering knowledge, while they develop skills in critical thinking, communication, leadership and lifelong learning. To create opportunities for students and faculty to conduct basic and applied research that contributes to society by advancing sustainable engineering principles and practices. To provide civil engineering leadership and service to the nation, the profession and society at large with strong professional values and disciplined work ethics. 19 April 2019 Col Masud

Correlation between Mission of the Department of Civil Engineering and Mission of MIST   MIST Mission - 1 MIST Mission - 2 MIST Mission - 3 MIST Mission - 4 CE Dept’s Mission – 1  40 10  - CE Dept’s Mission – 2 -  40  10  CE Dept’s Mission – 3 60  20  Average  80 70  Average % 57.5% 19 April 2019 Col Masud

Program Educational Objectives (PEOs) Statements that describe the expected achievements of graduates in their career, and also in particular, what the graduates are expected to perform and achieve during the first few years (4 -5 years) after graduation. A program may have 3 – 4 PEOs. 19 April 2019 Col Masud

Process of Establishing PEOs 19 April 2019 Col Masud

Correlation between PEOs and Mission of the Department of Civil Engineering PEO Statement Mission of the Dept of Civil Engg 1 2 3 1. Develops strong academic foundation for successful professional career.  45  10  30 2. Acquires skills to excel in the area of civil engineering both in industries and academics.  25  15 3. Possess awareness towards higher education, R & D and socio-ethical values.  35  Average  80  70  Average %  73.33% 19 April 2019 Col Masud

Link Between PO & CO in Civil Engineering Program Dr. Md Tauhid Ur Rahman Professor Dept of Civil Engg., MIST

Relationship Between PO and PEO PO statement PEO 1 PEO 2 PEO 3 PO 1 : Engineering knowledge √ PO 2 : Problem analysis PO 3 : Design/development of solutions PO 4 : Investigation PO 5 : Modern tool usage PO 6 : The engineer and society PO 7 : Environment and sustainability PO 8 : Ethics PO 9 : Individual work and teamwork PO 10: Communication PO 11: Project management and finance PO 12: Life-long learning 18

Course Outcome (CO) Course Outcomes (CO) address the abilities to be attained by students upon the completion of a subject A subject usually has several COs Ideally 3 to 5 COs are considered as a good practice Bloom’s Taxonomy has great influence while writing COs 19


Bloom’s Taxonomy Levels Relating Activities & Action Verbs 1 Knowledge arrange define describe duplicate identify label list match memorize Name order outline recognize relate recall repeat Reproduce select state 2 Comprehension Explain Summarize Paraphrase Describe Illustrate Classify Convert Defend Describe Discuss Distinguish Estimate Explain Express Extend Generalized Give Example (S) Identify Indicate Infer Locate Paraphrase Predict Recognize Rewrite Review Select Summarize  Translate 3 Application Use Compute Solve Demonstrate Apply Construct Apply Change Choose Compute Demonstrate Discover dramatize employ Illustrate Interpret Manipulate Modify operate practice Predict Prepare Produce Relate schedule show sketch Solve Use 21

Bloom’s Taxonomy Level Relating Activities Action Verbs 4 Analysis Analyze Categorize Compare Contrast Separate Apply Change Discover Choose Compute Demonstrate Dramatize Employ Illustrate Interpret Manipulate Modify Operate Practice Predict Prepare Produce Relate Schedule Show Sketch Solve Use write 5 Synthesis Create Design Hypothesize Invent Develop Arrange Assemble Categorize Collect Combine Comply Compose Construct Create Design Develop Devise Explain Formulate Generate Plan Prepare Rearrange Reconstruct Relate Reorganize Revise Rewrite set  up summarize Synthesize tell write 22

Bloom’s Taxonomy Level Relating Activities & Action Verbs (contd..) 6 Evaluation Judge Recommend Critique Justify Appraise Argue Assess Attach Choose Compare Conclude Contrast Defend Describe Discriminate Estimate Evaluate Explain Judge Justify Interpret Relate Predict Rate Select Summarize Support Value 7 Creation Adapt Build Change Choose Combine Compile Compose Construct Create Delete Design Develop Discuss Elaborate Estimate Formulate Happen Imagine Improve Invent Make up Maximize Minimize Modify Original Originate Plan Predict Propose Solution Solve Suppose Test Theory 23

Link between CO-PO CE 400: Project & Thesis CO1: Understand the research process with the help of relevant literature review CO2: Solve a problem individually CO3: Develop competency in oral, written and communication/presentation CO4: Analyze critically CO5: Recognize ethical and social responsibility CO-PO Relationship COs PO1 PO2 PO3 PO4 PO5 PO6 PO 7 PO8 PO 9 PO 10 PO 11 PO12 CO 400.1 X CO 400.2 CO 400.3 CO 400.4 CO 400.5 PO 2: Problem Analysis PO 3: Design/ development of solutions PO 4: Investigation PO 5: Modern Tool Usage PO 6: The engineer and society PO 7: Environment and Sustainability PO 8: Ethics PO 10: Communication PO 12: Lifelong Learning 24

Yes, it is difficult, very difficult…… Conclusion Yes, it is difficult, very difficult…… But you will never be able to reach the peak of Everest, as long as you don’t put your fist step. 19 April 2019 Col Masud

Any Question? 19 April 2019 Col Masud

Thank You 19 April 2019 Col Masud

Illustration of the Term ‘Measureable’ The doctor says, “আপনার স্বাস্থ্য রক্ষার জন্য সকালের মুক্ত বাতাসে হাঁটা প্রয়োজন।” The doctor says, “আপনি প্রতিদিন সকালে ৫০ মিনিট সময়ে কমপক্ষে ৪ কিলোমিটার হাঁটবেন।” 19 April 2019 Col Masud