Monday 13th May Thursday 16th May 2019


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Presentation transcript:

Monday 13th May 2019 - Thursday 16th May 2019 Year 6 SATS Monday 13th May 2019 - Thursday 16th May 2019

Agenda for the parent meeting What tests will be taken What children will be tested on within each test Examples of SATs questions When SATs will take place How SATs will take place Results How the school and parents can support

KS2 SATs Tests The KS2 tests consist of: Monday English grammar, punctuation and spelling Paper 1: questions – 45 minutes English grammar, punctuation and spelling Paper 2: spelling – 20 minutes Tuesday English reading – 1 hour Wednesday Mathematics Paper 1: arithmetic – 30 minutes Mathematics Paper 2: reasoning – 40 minutes Thursday Mathematics Paper 3: reasoning - 40 minutes

Maths - Paper 1: arithmetic – 30 minutes

English grammar, punctuation and spelling - Paper 1 – 45 minutes Word types (nouns, adjectives, verbs, adverbs, pronouns, relative pronouns, conjunctions) Phrases (noun phrases, expanded noun phrases) Clauses (main/independent clause, subordinate/dependent clause) Punctuation Capital letters Full stops, question marks, exclamation marks Commas, colons, semi-colons Spelling Root words Prefix Suffix

English grammar, punctuation and spelling - Paper 1 – 45 minutes

English grammar, punctuation and spelling - Paper 1 – 45 minutes

English grammar, punctuation and spelling - Paper 1 – 45 minutes

English grammar, punctuation and spelling - Paper 1 – 45 minutes

English grammar, punctuation and spelling - Paper 1 – 45 minutes

English grammar, punctuation and spelling - Paper 1 – 45 minutes

English grammar, punctuation and spelling - Paper 1 – 45 minutes

English grammar, punctuation and spelling - Paper 1 – 45 minutes

English grammar, punctuation and spelling - Paper 1 – 45 minutes

20 spelling words to complete during the test. English grammar, punctuation and spelling - Paper 2 – Approximately 15 minutes 20 spelling words to complete during the test.

English reading – 1 hour Retrieval Inference Word meaning Summary Prediction Sequencing Comparisons

English reading – 1 hour Retrieval

English reading – 1 hour Retrieval

English reading – 1 hour Inference

English reading – 1 hour Inference

English reading – 1 hour Word Meaning

English reading – 1 hour Word Meaning

English reading – 1 hour Sequencing

36 questions to be completed in the time. Maths - Paper 1: arithmetic – 30 minutes 36 questions to be completed in the time.

Maths - Paper 2: reasoning – 40 minutes

Maths - Paper 3: reasoning – 40 minutes

The tests will be in the morning each day before break time. Timetable for SATS Week Date Paper Monday 13th May English grammar, punctuation and spelling papers 1 and 2 Tuesday 14th May English reading Wednesday 15th May Mathematics papers 1 and 2 Thursday 16th May Mathematics paper 3 The tests will be in the morning each day before break time. The rooms we are using for both weeks: Main Hall, Year 6 classrooms, Intervention rooms. Children will be split into smaller groups, so that there is space for them to complete the tests.

Mock SATs Week We will follow the timetable for SATs Week. This is to ensure that children have an experience of the timetabling. Children will be split into smaller groups so that there is space for them to complete the tests. Week beginning 25.03.19 Week beginning 29.04.19

KS2 SATs Tests – Additional Time Pupils automatically qualify for additional time if they: have a statement of special educational needs (SEN) or an Education, Health and Care Plan (EHCP) use the modified large print (MLP) or braille versions of the tests Pupils with a statement of SEN or an EHCP are automatically allowed up to 25% additional time, except for the spelling paper which is not strictly timed. Schools do not need to complete an application for additional time for these pupils. However, applications do need to be made for pupils that are waiting for a statement of SEN or an EHCP to be confirmed. Additional time to complete the tests may be appropriate for other pupils who: require additional time under test conditions to properly demonstrate their knowledge and understanding use the standard or enlarged print versions of the tests Schools should also consider whether the use of rest breaks during the test might be more beneficial to pupils than additional time to complete the test. 2019 KS2 Access Arrangement Guidance There is set criteria for a child to achieve additional time. We will inform you if your child qualifies for additional time.

KS2 SATs Tests – Readers, Prompters and Scribes Scribes - If a pupil needs a scribe because of an injury that occurred in the week before the tests, schools may allow up to 25% additional time as well as the use of the scribe. This is only for circumstances where the pupil is unfamiliar with working with a scribe. Readers - Readers are usually teachers or support assistants. If a pupil requests it, the reader may also read back any part of a pupil’s written response to a question. Reading Paper - The English reading test must not be read to individuals or to a group, except for the general instructions. However, you may rephrase the explanations provided in the test instructions of the reading answer booklet to ensure that all pupils understand them. Prompters – Prompters are usually teachers or support assistants. 2019 KS2 Access Arrangement Guidance

After the tests The papers are collected by several members of the Senior Leadership Team. The papers are sent away to be marked. We do not receive the papers back, only pdf versions. We send the SATs results home with their end of year report.

Mark Scheme – Raw Score and Scaled Score The raw score is the total number of marks. To convert each pupil’s raw score to a scaled score, look up the raw score and read across to the appropriate scaled score. A scaled score of 100 or more shows the pupil has met the expected standard in the test. These are last years raw and scaled scores. How to convert key stage 2 raw scores to scaled scores – Standards Testing Agency

How to convert key stage 2 raw scores to scaled scores – Standards Testing Agency

After-school Clubs We are currently running an after school club to support with the learning of Maths and Reading. Maths- Wednesday until 4.20pm Reading- Thursday until 4.20pm If you would like you child to attend, please fill in a letter and return to your child’s class teacher.

SATs Week Breakfast We will be holding a SATs Breakfast in the Main Hall from 7:30am. We will suit children's dietary requirements. We will provide you with more details about the breakfast nearer the time. Please note that SATs Breakfast will only happen in SATs Week – Monday 13th May to Thursday 16th May. There will not be a SATs Breakfast on the Friday.