-150 -100 BC -50 Over FROM REPUBLIC TO EMPIRE P. 342-343, 352-356 Add 5 or more facts to the timeline as you watch the movie. -150 133 BC Tiberius, tribune, tried to create public farms. Killed for his ideas. 121 BC Gaius, tribune, sold food cheaply to poor citizens. Died for his ideas. 120 BC Rome conquered southern Gaul. 107 BC Gaius Marius encouraged poor to enter army. Poor were loyal to him. Generals begin having a lots of power due to their soldier’s loyalty. 88 BC Civil War -100 73-72 BC Slave revolt led by Spartacus 63-58 BC Cicero, Senator, called for limits of power of generals 58-50 BC Julius Caesar conquers Gaul BC 50 BC Senate orders Caesar to give up command, return to Rome 49 BC Caesar & his troops cross the Rubicon River 46 BC Caesar starts public works on behalf of middle class 45 BC Caesar has money made w/his face on it, wore wreath & purple toga & sat in a gilded chair Feb 44 BC Caesar named dictator for life Mar 15, 44 BC Senators kill Caesar -50 42 BC Marc Anthony & Octavian avenge Caesar’s death 31 BC Civil War between Anthony (with Cleopatra) & Octavian 31 BC Anthony & Cleopatra commit suicide 27 BC Senators name Octavian “Augustus” Over
Answer the question below after watching the video: Did Julius Caesar deserve his fate? (include 2 main ideas and support to back up your opinion) ___________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________