QA/QC Gaseous Pollutants mini-course TAMS Center February 2009
Quality Control Checks Level One (zero/span) Single Point (precision) Multipoint (linearity)
As a general rule you want to check the calibration of any instrument throughout its expected measurement range. You create a test atmosphere of known concentration and challenge the analyzers. 0.090 ppm (Precision) (Single Point) (Repeatability) 0.400 ppm (span) A multipoint adds at least 2 additional points evenly spaced throughout the instruments set range. For example: to the above add 0.300 ppm & 0.200 ppm. The analyzer response for each point must be within 2% of the best fit liner regression (linear trend line in spreadsheet).
Hint Timing of Level 1 & Single Point verifications can increase data completeness
QA audits include NPAP and agency audits
Site Log Book QA & QC print outs Manuals SOPs Datalogger Office Log Book (daily call & comments on daily print outs) Quarterly copy of field log book for data validation Electronic versions (Level 1, Multipoint, Single point) Audit & NPAP Reports Manuals SOPs Database
In this exercise you will generate test atmospheres and perform zero/span checks, precision (single point) checks, calibrate the analyzer and do a multipoint check. Then we will discuss the results. Use the manual as a guide and use the supplied spreadsheets.