Welcome to BM10 Word/PPT with Ms. Coney 2013-2014 M. Coney
Class Rules Bring notebooks and supplies to class daily. Be responsible for all your assignments and make-up work. Be courteous and respect the rights and property of others. 2013-2014
Always use respectful language—NO profanity! Be alert, attentive, and actively involved in all classroom activities. Always use respectful language—NO profanity! Keep food and drinks out of computer lab. 2013-2014
Consequences Verbal warning Counseling Call parents Detention Discipline referral In-school suspension (ISS) Out-of-school suspension (OSS) 2013-2014
Rewards Snack bags Candy Dollar bills Skip assignment Extra credit Treat bags Student of the week 2013-2014
Classroom Procedures Entering class Announcements (PA system) Tardies Absentees Getting around in classroom Teacher’s area Hall passes Assignments Handouts Grading Learning Groups Printing Internet Exiting classroom 2013-2014
Notes Don’t interrupt—raise your hand Read! Listen! Follow directions! Supplies for class Working together on assignments Objective study guides Tests – To be announced Study!!!!!! Study!!!!!!! Study!!!!!!!! No Excuses!!! 2013-2014
Questions 2013-2014