Mercredi le 8 mai
Thursday May 9, 2013 World History World Geog Mod (paper) & World Hist Mod (paper) AP Testing 7th Period7:30-9:41 6th Period9:47-11:58 5th Period12:04-1:28 Lunch A : 11:58-12:24 B : 12:30-12:56 C : 1:02-1:28 4th Period1:34-2:25
May 6 th -10 th French Plans Mon. 5/6 Normal bells Tues. 5/7 1 st, 2 nd, 5 th, 7 th Wed. 5/8 4 th, 3 rd, 5 th, 6 th Thurs. 5/9 7th,6th,5th,4th Fri. 5/10 Normal bells F 1- MOI due all week for +5 Notes-Aller & Venir /papers back Orals Unit 4 prac Avoir review W/B F 1 7 th period only Over unit 5 notes Finish W/B No 6 th H/W: APT F 1 6 h period only Over unit 5 notes Finish W/B H/W APT NO 7 th F 1 Notes RE, IR Review ER, Aller, Venir, Aller Oral/audio/written practice APT unit 4 pages-finish due by end of class. H/W: study Avoir, Aller, Venir F 1 Quiz Mon. Verbs See DVD from text F 2 R Unit 5 Notes Makeup Oral practice/audio practice Game groups Finish film F 2 R Notes more unit 5- only per. 1 –no 4 th Written practice DVD of units 3 & 4 F 2 R Notes more unit 5-only per. 4 no 1 st Practice DVD units 3 & 4 F 2 R Only Per 4 at end of day/no 1 st –oral practice only F 2 Review unit 5 words Finish book DVD See Sam video Games due next Fri. for 105 F 2 PreAP Unit 5 notes Makeup Oral practice Game groups F 2 PreAP More notes: unit 5 Written practice DVD-finish Comte F 2 PreAP More notes: unit 5 Oral/written practice Game for review F 2 PreAP Unit 5 practice And review Game & DVD from text F 2 PreAP Quz unit 5 DVD from text F 3 Finish tests, New notes-unit 5 words Song/Projects F 3 NO CLASS F 3 Skits, projects, oral practice, songs, review vocab 5 & future/conditional tenses F 3 No 3 rd NO CLASS F 3 Quiz: future/conditional Skits, projects, oral practice, songs, etc.
F 2 4 th period (7:30-9:41) 1. 7:30-8:45- do 3 APT pages (pg. 89, 90: not ex. 3 at bottom, pg all, pg all). Due in 30 min. Use book, brain, NOT BUDDIES! 2. See next slide for review.* 3. Finish watching La Vie en Rose. If done early, meet with groups to discuss parts youll do for your verb game project. Specs are online! NO H/W
F 2 Direct object pronoun review F 2 review of Le, la, les: Review of Lui, Leur:
F 3 (9:47-11:58) 1.Dû: les notes: , Practiquons ensemble! Regardez le futur/le conditionnel * 3. Choisissez un(e) partenaire-La chanson- Mercredi, le 15 mai ORAL rubric.docORAL rubric.doc 4. Faites les projets: lundi, le 13 mai: Projet de la technologie! ** End-of-year quiz grades: 1. Song & Tech-2 major grades 2. Skit hotel/travel Skit (units 5 & 6 words) 3. Oral-last phrases (list coming tomorrow!) 4. Quiz: units 3,4,5 5. Quiz: future/conditional Fun: LPP, LPN, AlE=films & Paint! Bonus: Voki or xtranormal +10 test. 20 sentences using imperfect, future, conditional, subjunctive tenses in a storyline. (vendredi le 17 mai)
F 3 *Le futur/le conditionnel Reprise: Le futur== Reprise: Le conditionnel==
**F 3 Tech projects coming up Utilisez: 1. Voicethread: How to: a. b. voice-thread 0r: 2. Photostory: 5 QUESTIONS-5 PHRASES 1. Quand tu étais jeune, qu'est-ce que tu faisais? 2.Qu'est-ce tu feras après KCHS? 3.Que ferais tu si tu gagnais la loterie? 4.Quest qui sont les choses les plus importantes pour toi? 5.Qui est la personne que tu admires et pourquoi? Lundi, le 13 mai!
5 th F 2 PreAP 1. Due: APT: 93-94, in class. 2. New notes unit 5-pg. 283, 287 & Croire, 294, 296, Make sure you have your group set up for the verb board games & exchange contact info. Make sure all notes are in! Games: Kiara-directions, Colt-pieces, Ana-board, Clara-flashcards Valeria-flashcards, Priscilla-directions, Bruno- tokens, dice, etc. Gilbert-board Bridget-pieces, flashcards Christian-directions, Ivone-board 4. Borrowed words L-in LMS. Write word, part of speech, then definition! Due Friday for 105! Monday for 100. Finish film if time? No H/W
6 th -French 1 1.Due: Notes from Monday: pgs. 197, 206, 218 =(write once in French & English) 2.Song practice: F 1 Oral grade La vie en rose.docF 1 Oral grade La vie en rose.doc 3.Today: Write Unit 5 notes: pgs. 196, 199, 200, 210 & 220. One time each. Due in 20 min. 4.Classwork: APT pages- unit 4 lessons 11 & 12 (59-64). H/W-APT– finish up! Thurs/Fri: Audio and oral practice. Quiz Monday on Aller, Venir & Avoir! MOI project due all this week up until Sunday midnight in LMS for 105%. Mon-100%, Tues. 90%, Wed. 80% etc.