Tony Mathis Luke Buchanan Tasha Hart Carter McCall Totally Tubular Tony Mathis Luke Buchanan Tasha Hart Carter McCall
Design Time Materials Construction The Building Process
Cost Most wood used was scrap Dowel rods, 5 ($.92 each = $5.03) PVC ($5.32) Rubber tubing, 25 ft ($15.49) 5 ft scrap Duct tape ($3.95) BB’s (compliments of Ace Hardware) Total cost $29.79 Cost
Start A B End Critical Points
Equations Conservation of Energy D = VT A: v = 11.08 ft/s PEgrav = KE vf = √vx2 + vy2 mgh = ½ mvf2 D = VT A: v = 11.08 ft/s B: v = 14.23 ft/s Bottom: v = 15.39 ft/s Equations