Behaviour and Anti-Bullying Information Session


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Presentation transcript:

Behaviour and Anti-Bullying Information Session Miss Bakrania (KS1 Leader) Sheen Mount Primary School West Temple Sheen London SW14 7RT

Purpose of this session: Part of our ongoing partnership and communication processes (previous Maths, English and Science evenings) A chance to communicate to parents what we do Information for those new to Sheen Mount and a chance to share our structures and aspects of our policy Ensure we are continuing to work together to build the home-school partnership and share the same message Part of self-improvement plan and process of informing parents

Outline of the session: Discuss expectations of Sheen Mount children Explain positive strategies Discuss acceptable and unacceptable behaviour Explain sanctions and escalation process Discuss bullying and anti-bullying strategy Encourage parental involvement through a survey Follow up on results of the survey

Positive/Expected behaviour of children: We teach the children to respect and care for one another. We believe that the children in our care deserve the best possible learning environment; an environment which is calm, caring and creative, where children can feel secure and one in which self-discipline, trust and a sense of responsibility are fostered. Reflected in our familiar Golden Rules be kind and helpful be honest listen to people work hard care for our things

Reflected in our Living Values

Positive reinforcement strategies/rewards What strategies have your children mentioned at home? What have they been proud of?

Whole range of positive reinforcement strategies/rewards that include… Positive praise Gems in the jar and gem jar treat Own class behaviour system Star of the Day Star of the Week Lunchtime stickers and Stars Class Mascot Golden Time: Children choose which KS1 classroom to have fun in! Stickers!

What we will be doing further…. Positive use of the Zones of Regulation introduced last half term Continue to help develop behaviour for learning/Teaching children how to behave, self- regulate and develop an awareness of others.

Golden Time: Everyone starts with names on sunshine and each day they earn 5 minutes of Golden Time On 2nd warning name moves to first cloud, if persists, name on second cloud and loss of 5 minutes of golden time on Friday If children are on first cloud, they have a chance to get their name back on sunshine by correcting behaviour. Depending on the behaviour, name may go straight to 2nd cloud Possible loss of some play time as an immediate sanction for inappropriate behaviour Reflection time on Friday with Phase leader Apology given to those involved

Examples of Low-level and Unacceptable Behaviour:

Gentle Reminder-Verbal reprimand Reflection time/time out Class teacher level Apology given Miss golden time Conversations and discussions about appropriate behaviour Some Play times missed dependent on child   If behaviour continues or moves into unacceptable behaviours… Parents/Phase leader informed if behaviour continues Sent to phase leader for reprimand/consequence Parental meeting Record of incident made Consultation on further action with SLT

Instances outside of low-level/unacceptable behaviours: Physically hurting others Discriminatory comments and behaviour Bullying Malicious damage to school property Persistently disruptive behaviour which negatively impacts on the learning of others Dealt with differently to the loss of Golden Time Headteacher/ Deputy Headteacher Phase Leader/Deputy Headteacher/Headteacher to consult with parents Formal meeting with parents Further actions to support all those involved

Playground Behaviour We strive to make the playground a welcoming environment for the children. Designated play areas, not behind buildings or anywhere out of sight Use all play equipment responsibly Listen respectfully to the playground supervisors and follow their rules for safe play Follow the timetable Speak to adults if there is an issue Zones of regulation lanyards

Anti-Bullying It is important that we are able to identify bullying behaviour and separate it from unkind behaviour. Both of which we do not tolerate at Sheen Mount, but would be dealt with in different ways.

What is bullying? Is it bullying when a variety of children say they don’t like something about you? Is it bullying when someone on the football pitch shouts at you or reacts to something you have done? Is it bullying when one person calls you names throughout a half term? Is it bullying if one person in the class pushes you more than 3 times?

Definition Bullying is the wilful, conscious desire to hurt, threaten, or frighten someone. CONTINUOUS and ongoing not one isolated incident

Our anti-bullying approach: Zero tolerance approach Clear escalation process Incident dealt with immediately by the member of staff who has been approached Clear account of the incident will be recorded and given to the headteacher Deputy Headteacher/Headteacher will interview all concerned and will record the incident All parties including parents will be kept informed

How bullied children are supported… Children are listened to and monitored carefully Immediate opportunity to discuss the experience with a class teacher or member of staff of their choice Offering continuous support perhaps through external agencies and pastoral support Reassuring and restoring self-esteem and confidence Class PSHE sessions, but not singling anyone out

What next… Continue to develop home-school partnership and keep communication ongoing and open Use language of golden rules, living values and zones of regulation Understand escalation process Complete survey (Link on Newsletter) Look at responses and communicate further