Dexamethasone plus rituximab yields higher sustained response rates than dexamethasone monotherapy in adults with primary immune thrombocytopenia by Francesco Zaja, Michele Baccarani, Patrizio Mazza, Monica Bocchia, Luigi Gugliotta, Alfonso Zaccaria, Nicola Vianelli, Marzia Defina, Alessia Tieghi, Sergio Amadori, Selenia Campagna, Felicetto Ferrara, Emanuele Angelucci, Emilio Usala, Silvia Cantoni, Giuseppe Visani, Antonella Fornaro, Rita Rizzi, Valerio De Stefano, Francesco Casulli, Marta Lisa Battista, Miriam Isola, Franca Soldano, Enrica Gamba, and Renato Fanin Blood Volume 115(14):2755-2762 April 8, 2010 ©2010 by American Society of Hematology
Consolidated Standards of Reporting Trials (CONSORT) flow diagram of progress through the study phases. Consolidated Standards of Reporting Trials (CONSORT) flow diagram of progress through the study phases. Francesco Zaja et al. Blood 2010;115:2755-2762 ©2010 by American Society of Hematology
Kaplan-Meier response duration curves after month 6 in patients who achieved sustained response (SR) after dexamethasone monotherapy, dexamethasone plus rituximab, and dexamethasone plus rituximab salvage therapy. Kaplan-Meier response duration curves after month 6 in patients who achieved sustained response (SR) after dexamethasone monotherapy, dexamethasone plus rituximab, and dexamethasone plus rituximab salvage therapy. Francesco Zaja et al. Blood 2010;115:2755-2762 ©2010 by American Society of Hematology