Using Blogging to Promote Self-Reflection Ashleigh Woods, BSN Capstone College of Nursing - The University of Alabama Introduction Nursing educators are continually trying to find ways to enhance the learning of their students. One way instructors have tried to enhance learning is reflective journaling, especially after a clinical rotation. An instructional technology that can assist in this learning activity is blogging. Blogging Blogging is a Web 2.0 technology that allows students (or others) to write down their thoughts in a web log. Blogging can be used in a public forum or in a private setting, allowing authors of blogs to express their thoughts and experiences. Learner Objectives The learner will reflect on nursing practices and one’s own learning. The learner will demonstrate rudimentary elements of clinical judgment. The learner will identify possible problems and their tentative solutions in their clinical experiences Measurement of Outcomes A reflective paper will be integrated at the end of the course based on the blogs the student has written throughout the semester. In the reflective paper, elements of reflection on nursing practices and one’s own learning, clinical judgment, and problem solving abilities will be evaluated. Anticipated Data/Results Anticipated results include: Greater student satisfaction with self reflection portion of clinical Increased use of self reflection Improved clinical judgment in nursing students Improved problem solving skills Significance of Activity Self reflection is critical in transformation learning. When students have to self reflect in post conference, their entries are rushed, not well thought out, and influenced by the peers around them. Blogging allows students to self reflect privately giving them time and space to truly self reflect.